ice cream

Delicious Ice Cream Facts

Grocery stores have entire aisles devoted to selling a variety of frozen desserts. Parlors offer an incredible array of flavors, from basic vanilla to exotic selections to tempt every palate. The sweet sound of a whimsical truck making it's way down the street sends little ones scurrying around to buy their favorite novelty treat.  Next time you sit down with your children for bowls of their favorite treat, you can have fun entertaining them with some ice cream facts. 

ice cream cone

Ice Cream History, Trivia, and World Records

Kids with a sweet tooth will love learning all kinds of interesting information about their favorite dessert. With so many different flavors and varieties, there is an option for every little palate. From basic and sweet vanilla to rich and crunchy moose tracks, picking the right flavor can be challenging. And then trying to decide what to add when faced with an abundant toppings bar can be enough to send children into a sugar-induced tailspin. Next time the family gathers around to lick a cones or dig into a sundae, here is some incredible trivia about the history of this creamy treat, including some of the quirkiest records set. And remember, there are so many ways to enjoy this fabulous dessert, including reading the best children's books about ice cream!

bowl of ice cream
(1) One gallon of ice cream requires about three gallons of milk to produce.
Cows produce approximately 6 gallons of milk per day, so in turn, they can contribute to 2 gallons  every day of the week!  Over one cow's entire lifetime, that equals about a whopping 9,000 gallons of ice cream. While milk is the main ingredient, sweeteners (like sugar) and spices (like vanilla or cocoa), are what make it taste so good!

(2) The United States consumes more than any other country, followed by Australia, then Norway.
The US  market is in excess of $14 billion per year, a number that is projected to grow by at least 5% year over year. Another interesting statistic indicates that, on average, Americans eat 5 gallons year, which translates into more than 20 pounds of ice cold dessert. American  manufacturers produce nearly one and a half billion gallons annually to keep up with demand.

(3) In the 1700s, ice cream was considered a delicacy enjoyed only by the wealthy and elite.

Insulated ice houses did not exist during this time period. Therefore, the consistency was more like a custard or sweetened cream. These dishes were mixed with flavors and served at elaborate gatherings. Sorbet was also a popular cold treat at parties, as it almost always contained alcohol.  

vanilla ice cream

(4) The ice cream cone was invented in 1904 at the St. Louis World Fair.

A man by the name of Charles E. Menches is credited with the concept when he was observed selling pastry cones filled with scoops of ice cream. Other accounts indicate that an Italian man, Italo Marchiony, was in fact the first one who invented ice cream cones. Records show he emigrated from Italy in the 1800s and began selling cones in New York City. Historians have tracked down an official patent issued to him in 1903.   

(5) In 1984, Ronald Reagan declared July the official ice cream month.

Smack dab in the middle of summer seems like the perfect way to celebrate this beloved treat. Even better, the third Sunday of July is National Ice Cream Day, which gives everyone a good excuse to indulge even more. The International Dairy Foods Association hosts a big ice cream party at the US Capitol where hundreds of people gather to enjoy are variety of treats. The crowd is said to consume at least 200 three-gallon container of ice cream and other delicious novelties at the sweetest celebration of the year.  

(6) Chocolate and vanilla are the most popular flavors by far.

Despite the explosion of flavors, chocolate and vanilla account for more than 52% of sales in the US. Between the two, some people believe vanilla tops chocolate as the favored choice due to the way it complements so many other deserts, especially chocolate cake and cookies! The statistics based on polls conducted throughout the country indicate chocolate has a slight edge over vanilla, with 17% choosing it as their preferred flavor compared to 15% who opt for vanilla.

ice cream cone

(7) The largest sundae ever made measured 3,656 feet long.

In 2017, Moo-Ville Creamery partnered with the business district in Nashville, Michigan to break a record set just one month earlier in a neighboring town. The sundae was made up of 864 gallons of ice cream along with 36 gallons of syrup. It was topped off with 56 gallons of strawberries, more than 150 cans of whipped cream, and lastly, in excess of 7,000 homegrown cherries. 

(8) Ice cream sundaes were invented to circumvent the law.

During the late 1800s, a Blue Law (otherwise known as a Sunday trade law barring the purchase of certain items on this day) prohibited the sale of soda. For parlors with substantial ice cream soda sales, this law put a damper on their Sunday business. A creative pharmacist (remember, ice cream counters were primarily in pharmacies during that time) served ice cream with chocolate syrup, but skipped adding the soda ingredient. Turns out, the customers enjoyed this new treat so much that it was eventually added to the menu. Hence, the invention of the ice cream "sundae"!

(9) Ice cream headaches are very common.

Most people experience what is commonly referred to as "brainfreeze" from time to time. This uncomfortable experience is described as the sudden onset of a very intense, painful headache immediately after consuming an extremely cold substance. Common triggers include cold beverages, water ice, and last but not least, ice cream. The funny part of this phenomenon is that the discomfort is not felt in the mouth, the point of contact with the cold substance. People describe the pain felt in other parts of their face, like in their forehead, or behind their noses and eyes. People who have migraines may suffer more frequently, but almost everyone can relate. So what exactly happens to cause this event? Medical professionals explain that when an extremely cold substance passes over the palate and back of the throat, the blood vessels constrict and dilate in rapid succession. Pain receptors neat those vessels then send a signal to the brain. In turn, the brain determines the source of these signals to be the head, rather than the mouth, hence the term "ice cream headache."

ice cream cone


(10) The most expensive sundae comes with a price tag of $1000.

When visiting New York City, tourists pour through the door of Serendipity 3, a popular spot especially known for its decadent hot chocolate. Customers are drawn to the rich-tasting treats that fill the menu and tempt the taste buds. One particular item, the Golden Opulence Sundae, makes most people take pause and wonder if there are a couple of extra zeroes added to the price in error. However, when reading the list of ingredients, the outrageous cost of this dessert starts to make more sense. Fortunately, spontaneous purchases are avoided since a 48-hour window is required to order this delectable sundae. Made with Tahitian vanilla ice cream, an elegant (and edible) 24 carat gold leaf sits atop the masterpiece. Chocolate syrup derived from the most expensive bars, exquisite golden caviar, and a sugar-forged orchid are some of the fancy accoutrements. Extremely rare pieces of Chuao chocolate and gold covered almonds are part of the dish as well.

(11) The biggest ice cream cone ever was carefully crafted in Norway.

A Guinness World Record was set in 2015 by Hennig-Olsen, an ice cream manufacturer that garnered quite a bit of publicity with it monstrous concoction. Standing more than 10 feet tall, the base consisted of a wafer cone lined with chocolate, filled with ice cream (1000+ litres), and topped off with a huge dollop of jam. After all the measurements were documented and photographs taken, the gigantic cone was served up to a large group of hungry attendees at the Tall Ships Race Event in nearby Kristiansand Harbour. The 10,000 attendees were treated to two scoops each of this record-breaking dessert. 

(12) There are more than 1,000 flavors globally.

Think you have a hard time picking a flavor when stepping inside an ice cream parlor? Imagine having to choose from more than 1,000 flavors of ice cream. For those interested in branching out beyond the usual varieties, there are so many options to explore. Lobster, Fig and Fresh Brown Turkey, Creole Tomato, Foie Gras, and Corn on the Cob may sound like items on a dinner menu, but boutique ice cream stores around the country have been experimenting with adding these flavors to their creamy concoctions. International travelers have fun sampling the most popular flavors in the each country. For example, Red Bean and Black Sesame are two must-try ice cream flavors when visiting China.

ice cream sundae

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