Our Story

Back in 2008, the concept for The Lollipop Book Club was born from the recognition that kids love to get mail. The only problem is that birthday, holiday, and other kinds of cards are often discarded after a few days. 

Books, on the other hand, are read many times over several months or even years. So why not incorporate the best part of the card- the handwritten note- into a book that is mailed to the child? This idea seemed to resonate with grandparents, extended family, and friends who were looking to send more personal, long-lasting gifts.

The market was tested by sending books with personalized bookplates and lollipops to kids across a wide age group. The results? Very happy readers who loved everything about the gift experience and wanted more just like it. From there, the business grew organically.

While our customer base is much larger now, we still provide the same high level of service upon which our foundation was built. We are here to answer your questions, make book recommendations, customize requests, and do anything and everything to keep our customers coming back again and again.

With much gratitude,

Karen Gallagher, Founder