
21 Sweet Facts About Cookies For Children

Every kid can make a long list of things they like about cookies. Some may describe the delicious aroma that fills the house when delicious treats are baking in the oven. Others may come up with a long list of their favorites, like chocolate chip, sugar snaps, or vanilla wafers. For lots of children, certain types are associated with holidays and special occasions. Little bakers or anyone with a sweet tooth will enjoy reading these facts all about cookies.


Cookie Facts Little Bakers Will Love

Everything kids want to know about bestselling varieties, extraordinary baking contests, and the story of how cookies have become one of the most beloved snacks for people all over the world. So next time you pour a glass of milk and serve up a plate of freshly baked treats, share some of these fascinating cookie trivia to sweeten up the conversation! Always a popular dessert, they are especially fun for kids to buy from bakeries that offer a huge selection of gourmet varieties. It's even fun to read books about cookies! For kids who love them, here are some fun cookie facts about most popular varieties, history, contests, and other information  to share next time they are snacking on their favorite baked treat.


Most Popular Cookies

(1) Chocolate chip cookies are the most popular homemade cookie.

According to surveys, more than half of the cookies baked at home are chocolate chip. Most of the ingredients for called for in chocolate chip recipes are staples in the kitchen, so many times a fresh batch can be whipped together without a trip to the grocery store.

(2) Ruth Graves Wakefield invented chocolate chip cookies.

Her discovery was the result of a happy accident that occurred in her kitchen in the 1930s. This famous American baker was known for experimenting with her recipes, which is exactly what she did when she ran out of cocoa powder. Substituting chunks of semi-sweet chocolate into the batter seemed like a good solution. Much to her surprise, the morsels did not dissolve into the mixture. Rather, they retained their form for the most part, albeit in a delicious melted state. And that unexpected outcome turned into the best thing that ever happened to the cookie industry!

(3) Oreos are the bestselling cookies ever.

Approximately 60 billion Oreos are sold every year, and 20 billion of those are enjoyed by people in the US. The Oreo is the bestselling cookie in the world with distribution in over 100 different countries. You will be surprised to learn that there have been 85 varieties of Oreos to hit the shelves over the lifetime of this cookie. The original Oreo, consisting of two chocolate wafers and a thin layer of cream, has always been the most popular version. 

(4) The origins of the Oreo can be traced back to 1912.

The first version was introduced and sold by National Biscuit Company, or as we know it today, Na-Bis-Co! It was clearly a hit since about 500 billion cookies have been sold since its inception.

animal crackers

Animal Cracker Trivia

(5) Animal Crackers were first mass-produced cookie.

In 1902, Nabisco began the commercial manufacturing and distribution of this popular cookie that still maintains a strong position on grocery store shelves. Despite being named a cracker, these small, animal-shaped treats fall into the cookie category due to their sweet taste. The origin of these snacks can be traced back to the 1800s in England when less-sweet animal biscuits were a popular snack.

(6) There are 17 different shapes of Animal Crackers.

Cookie historians have counted as many as 54 different animals that have been part of these boxed treats, but the current count is 17. Kids a lot of fun identifying each of the animals, including hippopotamuses, bison, lions, hyenas, zebras, elephants, sheep, bears, gorillas, monkeys, seals, and giraffes) as they playfully bite of the heads, tails, ears and other body parts.

(7) Millions of Animal Crackers are sold around the world.

Current statistics indicate 40 million boxes are sold across 17 countries every year, indicating this cookie staple is as popular as ever!


Cookie World Records

(8) A Guinness World Record was set in 2013 for the most cookies baked in one hour- close to 5,000!

Now, this a baking contest that will satisfy the sugar cravings of a huge audience. In 2013, the owners of Hassett's Bakery in Carrigaline, a small Irish town, set their sites on breaking a Guinness World Record by doing what they do best- baking cookies! Along with the help of the townspeople and attendees of the Irish Redhead Convention, they baked a whopping 4,695 cookies from start to finish in just sixty minutes. The largest batch of Ginger Nut Biscuits was served to a generous group who gathered to snack on sweets and raise money for cancer research.

(9) The Guinness World Record was broken in 2019 when even more cookies were baked in an hour- more than 6,000!

This record, set in July 2013, was short-lived due to the efforts of an ambitious baker named Frank Squeo. With his leadership, an organization based in New York, called Baking Memories 4 Kids, beat the record by baking 6,018 cookies in one hour. Think about that number next time you set out to bake cookies with your kids for bake sales and holiday cookie exchanges!

(10) The Guinness World Record for the largest cookie was set in 2003.

The Immaculate Baking Company took on the monumental task of creating a chocolate chip cookie weighing 40,000 pounds. This monstrosity measured 102 feet in diameter, more than 20 feet bigger than the previous record holder. The original goal was to make this cookie to generate attention and raise funds for local artisans. No small undertaking, the crew first had to design an oven large enough, after which they began preparing thousands of batches of dough. Selling slices of the cookie for $10 a piece generated more than $20,000 in funds. And, quite by accident, they broke a Guinness World Record along the way.


Number of Calories in Cookies

(11) The number of calories in a single cookie ranges from 15 to 750.

Ok, so there are entirely too many variables to consider in order to give an exact range. And, while this goes without saying, the tastiest cookies with the highest sugar content are going to tip the calorie scale. With so many variations in goods baked at home, it is easier to cite the calorie count in cookies sold at the store. Here are some examples based on just one: Oreo (53 calories), Chewy Chips Ahoy (70 calories), Vienna Finger (75 calories), Nilla Wafer (18 calories), Nutter Butter (60 calories).&

(12) Applesauce can reduce the calorie count in cookies.

Substituting applesauce for some key ingredients will lower the calorie count. Oil or butter can be replaced by applesauce using a 1:1 ratio, reducing the fat content and still producing a tasty treat. Although, discerning palates may argue that the tastiness of the cookie is just not the same.

(13) Baking cookies burns calories.

While it's a stretch to argue that baking is equivalent to exercise, popular fitness apps have reported that one can burn 168 to 348 calories per hour spent baking in the kitchen. Some have even claimed that baking a batch of cookies burns as many calories as an hour of yoga. Keep in mind that this measurement is assuming that bakers engage their upper bodies for an extensive period of time mixing ingredients and kneading dough without the assistance of electric mixes and other appliances.

(14) Baking is good for your mental health.

Aside from the physical benefits of standing and moving, there are psychological benefits to baking as well. Taking time to make a cookie recipe with kids gives them a break from screen time and other stressors in their lives.


United States Cookie Consumption Facts

(15) Americans consume an average of 300 cookies per person per year.

Some statistics circulating about cookie consumption indicate that the entire country consumes about 2 billion cookies annually. This equates to about 300 cookies per person per year. Over the course of a lifetime, this likely means the average person consumes in excess of 30,000 cookies!

(16) Most households in the United States eats cookies at least once a year.

And while people may be doing their best to satisfy cravings through healthier food choices, surveys indicate that up to 95% of American households purchase and consume cookies every year. More than 50% of people prefer homemade cookies over store bought packages, but the convenience of pre-made cookies is a selling point. In fact, more than 251 Americans consume ready-to-eat cookies purchased from grocery stores or bakeries every year.  

(17) National Cookie Day is December 4th.

As if people need another excuse to eat cookies, there is a day of the year set aside especially for cookie lovers. The roots of this holiday can be traced back to 1976 when Sesame Street added a place on the calendar just for a big blue character, namely Cooke Monster! Cookie companies around the country took advantage of this holiday to push their best-selling products upon consumers who can never get enough of their delicious treats. There is no right or wrong way to celebrate as long as cookies are part of the recipe!

fortune cookies 

Fortune Cookie Origin

(18) Fortune cookies are not popular in China.

The largest manufacturer of fortune cookies, Wonton Foods Inc., unsuccessfully marketed their top-selling product to restaurants in China. This sugar cookie, with a fortune scripted on small piece of paper tucked inside, was not a hit. Many people mistakenly believe that this post-meal dessert served in Chinese restaurants, alongside the check, is a custom from China that was adopted in America.

(19) Japanese are credited with bringing fortune cookies to America.

In reality, the wedge-shaped cookie are not associated at all with China. Historians trace the origins to Japanese immigrants who brought these treats to America in the 19th century. When the Japanese settled and began opening restaurants, they found that Americans did not have a taste for their raw fish and other menu items. So the Japanese immigrants shifted their focus to Chinese food, while still serving a fortune cookie at the end of each meal!


Most Expensive Cookies

(20) A 23-carat gold-leaf covered cookie costs $1,000.

Sofia Demetriou, owner of Duchess Cookies, is the mastermind behind the world's most expensive cookie. Her idea came to fruition as part of a plan to gain publicity when her business launched in 2018. The red velvet cookie is made with ruby chocolate and covered with edible gold leafs. This luxury cookie, which comes with a string of freshwater pearls, a Baccarat catchall, and a shoe sculpted from chocolate, has been purchased by customers in both New York City and Dubai.

(21) Last Crumb is a gourmet cookie company famous for high prices.

If you want to impress someone with a luxurious box of cookies, look no further than Last Crumb. A mere dozen baked goodies from the Core Collection will set you back almost $150, and that doesn't include shipping. These handmade treats are made with top shelf ingredients, each type with a name that matches the thought put into the baking. Some examples include Everything But the Candles (Birthday Cake), When Life Gives You Lemons (Lemon Bar), and Not Today, Mr. Muffin Man (Blueberry Muffin).

cookie kit


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