santa claus

29 Jolly Children's Books About Santa Claus

The Christmas holiday season is filled with frenzy. Shopping, family gatherings, church services, school holiday concerts, parties with friends and family, and so much more. Don't forget to slow down and appreciate quality time with your little ones. Light a fire in the fireplace, grab a plate of Christmas cookies and snuggle up with the best books about Santa Claus that capture the generous spirit and loving nature of the man who delivers toys to all the well-behaved kids who made his "nice list".

Santa and the Goodnight Train
Santa Claus and the Goodnight Train

Toddlers will love to join Santa on a magical train to Dreamland. This adventure is full of holiday cheer and a beautiful winter wonderland! A sequel to The Goodnight Train, choo-choo lovers will embrace this imaginative ride on a very special night. Lush illustrations capture the mood of the Christmas season.

Kids' Santa Claus Picture Books To Read For Christmas

There is no better way to get into the Christmas spirit than to read books about Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, or Santa Claus as we like to call him. Young children embrace all the magical whimsy of the bearded fellow who delivers presents around the world on Christmas eve. Flying high in the sky in a sleigh pulled by reindeer, he manages to visit the home of every good child, slip down the chimney, and leave a pile of presents  under the Christmas tree. Tiny tots and adults can equally enjoy the mystery and merriment celebrated in books about Santa Claus. 

santa claus

Santa Books Brighten the Holidays

A big part of Christmas magic is the anticipation of Santa sliding down the chimney with a bag full of presents, each one carefully handcrafted by a group of elves. The outrageous idea that one jolly fellow flies around the world in one night adds to his mystical persona. This list of recommended Santa Claus stories for children will add a lot of joy to the season. Reading together is a wonderful way to nurture the spirit of Christmas with your family. And after you are finished reading, gather everyone around to engage in some other holiday festivities. Baking gingerbread cookies and decorating them with with icing and sprinkles is always a favorite tradition!

santa's tree

Santa's Tree: A Pop-Up Tale of Christmas in the Forest

This beautiful gift book contains several pop-up pages with adorable Christmas scenes to explore. All of the forest creatures have been busy decorating a tree in preparation for the big day. In addition to reading the charming story, children will love engaging in the seek-and-find activities throughout this wonderful book.

santa's favorite story

Santa's Favorite Story

Captivating pictures will pull in young readers, and the heartwarming story will keep them engaged until the very end. Santa Claus is exhausted. He's not sure he has the energy to delivery a sleigh full of gifts for children around the world this year. The forest animals are incredibly concerned that Christmas will be canceled. That is when Santa explains the real reason for celebrating this special day. We highly recommend you add this book to your children's holiday reading list.

santa's baby

Santa Baby

An abundance of silliness is packed into this delightful and unique story book. The jolly old fellow is feeling his years and wonders how in the world he will muster up enough energy to get the job done this Christmas. He casts a wish to the spirit of Christmas in hopes of reversing his age by a few years. Unfortunately, his wish is granted in spades and Santa turns into a baby! Clad in diapers and needing daily naps, this jolly fellow will have to be whipped into shape pronto! Plan on lots of giggles from beginning to end of this fun book.

yes virginia there is a santa claus

Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus

At some point in time, children will start to question the existence of Santa Claus. In 1897, one such girl wrote to the editor of her local paper inquiring about whether or not he is real or fictitious. The response from the editor has resonated with generations of people since that time. His heartwarming words of hope, generosity and the spirit of believing erased all doubts from little Virginia, and have convinced many others along the way. A classic Christmas tale about the power of imagination.

santa claus and the three bears 

Santa Claus and the Three Bears

A fun, festive holiday twist on a classic fairytale. Three polar bears leave their cozy cabin to take a family walk on Christmas eve. Upon returning, they notice that things are amiss in their home. Chairs are broken, blankets are rumpled, and food is gone! Whoever could be this horrid intruder? Soon they discover a familiar figure peacefully sleeping in Baby Bear's bed. A white beard, a red suit, and black boots give him away.



santa mouse

Santa Mouse

Build a collection of classic Christmas titles for your children starting with this adorable, heartwarming story. A tiny mouse, so insignificant he doesn't even have a name, lives a lonely live in an enormous house. Christmas is his absolute favorite time of year and he finally has a chance to play an active role in the holiday- by becoming a very special helper! Sweet, simple, timeless Christmas tale that has been shared by generations.

jack and santa

Jack and Santa

A short, illustrated chapter book about a boy who is worried that his behavior this past year has landed him on the naughty list. Jack has a long, long list of presents he wants this Christmas, so he has to figure out how to straighten out his reputation. Can he possibly reverse his poor standing by demonstrating good behavior between now and the big day? Lots of laughs in this light, easy-reader holiday book.

santa's underwear

Santa's Underwear

Lots of us have good luck charms that give us a boost of confidence on monumental occasions, and Santa Claus is no different. Every Christmas Eve, he wears his special underwear which is threadbare and full of holes.  This year as he is getting dressed for the big night, he is distressed to learn his good-luck undies are missing in action. He tries on lots of substitute undergarments but none of them are quite right. What will he ever do? 

santa cat

Here Comes Santa Cat

Little feline friends will particularly love this Santa book! A cat is concerned that we won't be receiving any presents this Christmas. His bad behavior is to blame, even though sometimes his intentions are actually good. Kids will love to read about whether he has a happy ending, with perhaps a surprise or two, this holiday.

how santa got his job

How Santa Got His Job

Did he have a job interview? Were there other candidates? Lots of questions come to mind when we think about the idea that Santa may not have always been delivering presents. In this creative story, kids learn all about when he was much younger and unemployed. Fortunately, with the help of some cute elves, he finds the perfect role that utilizes his very unique skill set.

How to Catch Santa

How to Catch Santa

An adorable how-to manual narrated by a couple of kids who are quite clever. Do your kids ever wonder if they can catch the jolly fellow in the act? Well, this is the book to help them do just that! Humorous story with fantastic illustrations will elevate this choice to the top of the reading list this Christmas! Just keep an eye out on Christmas Eve in case your children decide to follow this guide.

guess who's coming to santa's for dinner

Guess Who's Coming to Santa's for Dinner?

Have your children ever pondered whether or not Santa may have family beyond Mrs. Claus? Well, if they haven't, this wonderful book by Tomie dePaola will certainly open their minds to the possibility! The famous Claus couple is hosting a family gathering and wait until you see you see the menagerie that walks through the front door. An opera singer, an inventor, a couple of polar bears, and an energetic bunch of children make for a wild and crazy dinner party. 

bad kitty searching for santa

Bad Kitty Searching for Santa

Our favorite kitty is back and she's feeling a bit distressed. Christmas is around the corner, so she decides to write a letter to Santa with her wish list. The only problem is that this kitty may have lived up to her reputation for being bad this year. She decides to hold her head high and head over to the mall and meet him anyway.  For every little kid who does always not exhibit perfect behavior, Bad Kitty will show them there is hope for a Merry Christmas after all.


santa's new beard

Santa's New Beard

Who is Mr. Claus without his famous white beard? Well, he is sure in for a surprise when he has a shaving accident and become unrecognizable. His creative team of elves step in to save the day and come up with ways to restore his jolly face back to it's original form. A humorous, rhyming book will delight the young preschool readers on your laps this Christmas.

berenstain bears meet santa bear

The Berenstain Bears Meet Santa Bear

You can always count on the Berenstain Bears to teach your children important values through their stories. The cubs are excited to sit on Santa Bear's lap and have been diligently working on their very long Christmas wish lists. Mama and Papa can appreciate their enthusiasm, but they are a bit concerned about the cubs' greediness. So, they take matters into their own hands and teach Brother and Sister Bear that it is more important to give than to receive. A bonus page of stickers at the end of the book provides some extra fun entertainment.

santa's toy shop

Santa's Toy Shop

An enchanting, timeless Little Golden Book that has been entertaining children for decades. Santa Claus has the best job in the world helping to design and make fun toys. But what happens when he is so delighted with his creations that he wants to play with them? He has such a busy job that there is simply no time. That is until Mrs. Claus comes up with a creative way to let Santa have a little fun himself.

santa's story

Santa's Story

The illustrations are so luminescent and captivating that they pull you right into the story. Traditions and customs and are the centerpiece. The jolly old fellow is feeling a bit stressed out on Christmas Eve. None of his trusty reindeer are around to help him on his big mission.  When he finally recalls their annual tradition of gathering around for a Christmas story before heading out, he manages to bring everyone together for special reading time.

open santa's door

Open Santa's Door

If you have ever wanted a sneak peak inside his house, this chunky little board book will satisfy your curiosity. Toddlers will delight in opening each flap to reveal a colorful behind-the-scenes look at what Santa does at home. Whether he is baking, working on toys, or busy doing other activities, this book is full of surprises.

llama llama secret santa surprise

Llama Llama Secret Santa Surprise

One of the most fun activities around the holidays is playing Secret Santa. Llama and his school friends buy each other secret gifts in this adorable holiday book. Bright, cheery pictures and a pageful of stickers add to the fun in this sweet Christmas Llama Llama book.

the day santa stopped believing in harold

The Day Santa Stopped Believing in Harold

In a clever reversal of roles, this Santa doubts whether a boy named Harold is real. He has never actually seen this child. Harold leaves out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer every single year. But there is not much other evidence that the boy exists. The power of believing what we can't see or touch is the central theme in this funny, heartwarming and creative title.

the animals santa

The Animals' Santa

Jan Brett's gorgeous illustrations throughout this book are a work of art. A rumor is spreading amongst the all the animals that a special someone is coming. They wonder if he is similar to other animal friends, like badgers, polar bears, or wolves. Then one magic day, a grand owl with a bag full of gifts descends among them. He is indeed the animals' merry maker, bearing presents for everyone. Lush and magical story that is worthy of coffee table status.

dear santa i know it looks bad but it wasn't my fault

Dear Santa, I Know It Looks Bad But It Wasn't My Fault!

A witty cat decides to take a proactive approach by writing a letter to St. Nicholas well in advance of Christmas. Scalawag has some gifts on his list this year and wants to ensure they are delivered under the tree. However, he must first explain away some unfavorable incidents that may be attributed to him. The letter writing campaign has an unexpected effect on Scalawag and the gift he ultimately requests is not what you think. 

how santa really works

How Santa Really Works

A super creative pop-up book that is part instruction manual on how he makes all his magic happen. Fun pictures to explore with solid explanations, perfect for kids who want all of the "facts".  The magnitude of what the jolly man accomplishes in one evening is mind blowing, but this book teaches inquisitive minds how it all happens.

santa's moose

Santa's Moose

A fun kids' book from the I Can Read series. In a cute spin on Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, a moose is determined to lead the pack. Santa denies him the job due to his clumsy nature. But when the exhausted reindeer are too weak to carry the sleigh, a determined moose saves Christmas by helping Santa deliver all the gifts.

santa and the elves maze board

Santa and the Elves

What a fun, engaging Christmas activity book! Each page features a unique maze that takes you through a different winter adventure land. Pick a new character each time and have fun counting, seeking, and exploring all the fun Christmas pictures throughout the story.

santa rex

Santa Rex

Cordella embraces the Christmas season and all its sweet traditions like sipping on hot cocoa and licking candy canes. The only difference is that her version does not have a white beard or wear a red suit. In fact, it's doubtful he can even slide down a chimney for he is, in fact, a dinosaur. Santa Rex and his not-so-little elves join in on some fun, if chaotic, Christmas festivities in this fun book for dino-loving children

santa's prayer

Santa's Prayer

A beautiful book that instills the real meaning of Christmas through the eyes of Santa Claus. A brother and sister take a stroll through their town on Christmas eve, excitedly discussing all the possible presents Santa could be delivering later that night. By chance, they spy him slipping into a church and kneeling at the altar. The children take pause and think about Jesus on this very special holiday.

when santa was a baby

When Santa Was a Boy

St. Nicolas' parents loved their baby unconditionally despite some quite unusual qualities he displayed from the very beginning. Looking back, his destiny to become Santa was really quite clear. The baby had a deep, booming voice, loved to give his toys away to other children, and had a strange obsession with chimneys.  

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