
38 Colorful Children's Books About Rainbows

Rainbows symbolize goodness in ways that even children, as young as preschoolers, seem to understand. They are the calm after a storm. They lead to pots of gold. They represent people of every race and gender. And, miraculously, they look almost identical wherever they appear. These inspiring arches of brilliant color are a gift from nature, a glimmer of hope and renewal after a rainstorm. Their ephemeral appearance elicits feelings of warmth and longing for something that is out of reach. Children's books about rainbows capture the essence of these colorful apparitions.

elmer and the rainbow

The artwork on this book cover deserves to be displayed on a child's bookshelf. But the story itself is even more beautiful. Elmer and all of his best elephant friends are waiting patiently for the colorful arc after a storm. Much to their dismay, the rainbow that finally appears is absent of color. Elmer considers giving his patchwork of color to the rainbow in the sky but worries about whether he will be dull in doing so. 

Rainbow Picture Books For Toddlers

One of the most common themes in artwork that little kids design involves a rainbow. Toddlers can easily recreate the images in rainbow picture books with a box of crayons. The simple arches formed with colors in a formation easily memorized- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple- is what makes colorful arches so popular to draw. The best rainbow gifts for kids reflect all of these beautiful colors and add a spot of brightness to a little one's bedroom. After your little ones have learned everything about these amazing arcs in the sky, move on to read about thunderstorms for more awe-inspiring natural events.

how the crayons saved the rainbow

An amazing story about how a friendship gone sour threatens the existence of rainbows. Sun and Cloud get into a fight and refuse to occupy the sky together. Without their presence, all rainbows disappear and the earth becomes a place absent of color. A determined pack of crayons realizes that they must do something big in order to salvage the friendship and restore rainbows everywhere.

raindrops to rainbow

An adorable color concept book that celebrates all the good things that happen on a rainy day. A little girl, her mother, and her dog take a walk and enjoy the beautiful rainbow that appears after the storm passes. A good reminder to kids of all ages to focus on the positive outcomes, even on the dreariest days.

how the world made a rainbow

Ever feel a little lonely? Paint a rainbow and hang it in your window. It's a display of unity and love for others. A trend started during the pandemic where children, feeling isolate, started making rainbows for the world to see. They soon became a symbol of love and togetherness even when physically apart. This picture book celebrates this act of kindness inspired by glorious, colorful arches.

the smell of a rainbow

An expert fragrance designer offers a fresh book about a natural wonder. Here readers explore all the scents and feelings we associated with specific colors. In a scratch-and-sniff board book, each stripe in a rainbow has it's own smell. This interesting book also implores children to talk about how each of these colors makes them feel. A thoughtful book that takes kids on an exploration beyond the visual appeal of nature's colorful gift.

a rainbow of my own

A little boys heads out for a walk on a rainy day and discovers a rainbow in the sky. On his way home, he imagines what it would be like to be the owner of his very rainbow. This whimsical story captures the essence of a young child's imagination. 

rain before rainbows

Some picture books are beautifully balanced between telling a story to a young child while at the same time conveying a deeper, more meaningful message to adult readers. This gorgeously illustrated rainbow book follows a little girl and her fox companion on their journey toward light and happiness. Any person, young or old, who is going through a challenging time in their lives will benefit from reading this inspiring book. 

the hidden rainbow

A wide array of colors are blooming in the garden. This interactive picture book starts with one little bee who needs the blooms to survive. As readers turn each page, more flowers blossom and more bees are drawn to all the colors. A lovely tribute to nature and the interdependence of bees and flowers for survival. 

my rainbow surprise

A gorgeous novelty rainbow book that is shaped just like the real thing. Die-cut pages with a little rhyme that celebrates these bright colorful arches. Stimulating chunky book will stand up to toddlers' curious exploration. 

moonbear's skyfire

A classic book about a bear who is convinced that the sky is on fire. What else could explain the brilliant colors spilling from above? He sets out with a bucket of water to solve this problem. Then a little bird whispers a different idea in his ear...something about a pot of gold. 

ava and the rainbow

This dreamy children's rainbow book has a valuable message about appreciating rare and precious moments in life. A little girl falls in love with a brilliant apparition that she wishes it would stay forever. She, along with her neighbors, is overjoyed to find that it has not disappeared overnight. While the rainbow continue to light up the sky day after day, people start to lose interest in it. The girl learns that perhaps the most precious moments in life are indeed fleeting after all.

curious george discovers the rainbow

What better way to teach kids a science lesson than with Curious George? This mischievous monkey, along with his best friends Betsy and Steve, takes a walk in the rain and becomes mesmerized by a beautiful rainbow. He gets a little carried away chasing after a pot of gold, but eventually focuses on the learning about how they are formed.

rainbow boy

A picture book celebrating all the colors while eschewing gender norms. A little boy loves the bright orange hue of a basketball. He also adores his brilliant pink tutu and soft yellow pajamas. The subject of this book may be rainbow colors but the message has a much broader application. This is a great selection for parents who want to encourage their kids think outside the box and stay true to themselves.

rainbows never end and other fun facts

A non-fiction book for kids who are fascinated with scientific facts. In addition to learning some cool things about rainbows (they are full circles!), children will learn that all snowflakes have six sides, and all kinds of other amazing environmental trivia. Colorful and funny illustrations on every page keep the mood light and entertaining.

happiness is a rainbow

A whimsical, rhyming book about rainbows for preschoolers. Every color is associated with something in nature- blue is for birds, red is for roses- in this joyous ode to rainbows.Pastel colors and drawings reminiscent of a child's nursery add a soft touch.

our rainbow

A board book that introduces toddlers to the pride flag. The meaning of the colors is explained in this book promoting inclusivity. Simple text emphasizes kindness and love for everyone.

rainbow hat 

A jovial little bear is most distraught when his beloved hat gets carried away by the wind. From there, it goes on journey flying from friend to friend. Finally, this very special hat makes its way back to a very happy bear. A short and sweet story with a happy ending.

there is a rainbow

A rainbow picture book that delivers a message of hope, love and interconnectedness. This beautiful picture book will appeal to children of all ages, as well as adults, with its words of inspiration. No matter how alone or isolated we may feel at times, we are all at one end or the other.

what is a rainbow

Mia, Seb, Oli and Ava are inquisitive kids who want to know the science behind everything. In this non-fiction book about rainbows, readers will learn about the relationship between light affects color and the facts about how rainbows are created.

uni paints a rainbow

A magical unicorn needs to restore color after it stops raining. Uni uses her special horn to tap objects and bring them back to their original, brilliant colors. This darling story for preschoolers is a great way to teach them their colors.

bake a rainbow cake

A whimsical board book about making a delicious rainbow cake. This sweet story is full of interactive elements like lifting flaps, spinning wheels, and pulling tabs. Readers will love participating in all the steps of baking, from mixing the batter to opening the oven, until the final masterpiece is ready to eat.

what makes a rainbow

A charming, over-sized board book with a ribbon of rainbows inside. This novelty book is a fun way to teach a toddler all the colors. Every time a page is turned, a new ribbon in a different color appears. Darling illustrations and easy to understand text just right for the preschool reading group.

how do you make a rainbow

Rainbows are symbols of hope, love, and brighter days ahead. A little girl learns this lesson one rainy day with her grandad. It's dark and cloudy outside, so she asks her grandfather for his assistance in painting a colorful arch in the sky. He lovingly shares a lesson with her about all the other ways we can bring light and color into the world.

 esther's rainbow

A sweet, little story about a girl who discovers a lovely rainbow. The next time she looks, this ephemeral object is gone. But Esther is left with a lasting appreciation of color which she observes everywhere. While she sees beauty everywhere, Esther wonders whether she will see another rainbow again. A lovely picture book about exploring the world with a fresh perspective and wonder.


A non-fiction book for preschoolers. A basic scientific explanation is covered along with some beautiful photographs of real rainbows. The pictures alone make this book a worthy purchase. A nice complement to fictional stories about  for young children who are eager to learn how they are formed.

the rainbow hunters

A beautiful story reminding readers that the journey is more important than the destination. Four close friends grab handfuls of candy and nets for catching rainbows. They head out on a whimsical mission to capture an elusive rainbow that always seems within reach. While this group may never trap the colorful treasure, they discover a much more beautiful treasure along the way.

happy rainbow

An adorable, rainbow-shaped novelty book for toddlers. Each page covers a color along with a succinct little poem. A loving little book for babies that adds a pop of color when displayed on a bookshelf in the nursery.

 the rainbow goblins

Originally published in the 1970s, this strangely moving book is about living in harmony with nature instead of exploiting it for personal benefit. The book is at once disturbing and beautiful. The text is sparse and the pictures are a bit trippy. Most certainly a unique addition to your child's collection.

rainbows activity book

Almost forty pages of beautiful rainbow activities will keep kids busy for hours. The scratch and reveal pages come to life as each rainbow shines through. This sparkly book takes little ones on a magical adventure sliding down rainbows and searching for creatures in the magical forest. A great activity book for long car rides and rainy afternoons. 

planting a rainbow

A classic book by Lois Ehlert will open children's eyes to the rainbows that appear everywhere in nature. In this lovely story, and mother and her daughter are planting bulbs and seeds in a garden. Together they tend to their plants until they bloom into a colorful rainbow. Sparse text complements the paper collage illustrations that make the flowers appear to pop off the pages.

the rainbow fish

An enchanting story about the vanity, loneliness, and selfishness of the most beautiful fish in the ocean. The Rainbow Fish is the envy of all the others with its iridescent scales that light up the water. This sparkly, colorful fish knows its appearance is special and steers clear of all the fish that are plain and dull.  But soon The Rainbow Fish can't shake its sadness, so one by one, it distributes colorful scales to the other fish in the ocean. As its appearance fades in color, The Rainbow Fish finally finds happiness and comfort with friends who each possess one of its vibrant scales.

rainbow weaver

The colors of the rainbow are inspirational and symbolize hope and dreams across cultures. In this uplifting story, Ixchel is a little girl living in a Mayan village who desperately wants to weave just like all the other women. For thousands of years, the tradition of making weaves and selling them at the market has been passed down. But resources are scarce and there is not enough thread for Ixchel to practice. So the resourceful child gathers colorful, discarded plastics bags from the streets, cuts them into strips, and weaves them into the fabric. The result is a most stunning rainbow of colors on a piece that can now be sold at the market, just like her Mayan ancestors have done. 

 My Body Is a Rainbow: The Color of My Feelings 

A soothing book to help kids deal with anxiety based on the colors of the rainbow. Children are coaxed into a relaxed state by getting in touch with their inner and outer selves. The author introduces the concept of using colors to identify emotions and feelings, both big and small. Through this expression of color in combination with breathing techniques, children will have some valuable techniques to cope with all the stress life throws at them.

 rainbow stew 

Real rainbows may be apparitions in the sky, but they also can be found in lush gardens full of ripe vegetables. One rainy day, a few children head out into Grandpa's garden to pick red tomatoes, green cucumbers, purple eggplant, and other vibrant veggies. Then they head inside to make the most delicious rainbow stew. The book includes a great recipe for you to try with your own children. A mouth-watering kids' rainbow book that promotes healthy eating.

peppa's rainbow

Beautiful, colorful apparitions fill the sky after a rainstorm. Peppa Pig and her friends are delighted when they witness this magical creation by nature. After witnessing its beauty, the gang learns all kinds of interesting facts about how and why rainbows appear. Preschoolers will love this colorful rainbow book and the fact sheet at the end.

 god's love is a rainbow

A pint-sized story that is just the right for toddler hands. A soft rainbow finger puppet is attached to actively engage little ones. A story about faith encourages readers to appreciate all the beautiful colors and creatures created by God.

peek-a-boo rainbow

A whimsical story that helps babies learn basic concepts. The die cut hole gives little readers a glimpse of the next page. Each one features a different color of the rainbow with little objects like red apples and green frogs to support learning. It's never too soon to start working on eye hand coordination and critical thinking.


rainbow colors peekaboo

The vibrant hues in this sturdy board book will capture the attention of babies. They will enjoy lifting the tabs to find hidden surprises behind each one. This is a great book to teach little ones all the colors of a rainbow.

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Rainbow Stories That Inspire Creativity

Through the eyes of a child, colorful arcs in the sky appear to exist in faraway lands with unicorns, fairies, and other figments of the imagination. These stories foster a vision for magical places where there are no boundaries, where leprechauns search for pots of gold and tiny tots imagine riding down the enormous arches for the thrill of a lifetime. After story time is over, gather some art materials and encourage your child to make a craft centered around this amazing natural wonder. Then take it a step further and ask kids to write their own colorful story. Share some facts about rainbows for your little ones to include in their work. Every child has a creative mind and sometimes all it takes is a fun story to bring it to fruition! Little ones with big imaginations will also love reading mermaid stories about beautiful sea creatures with colorful, sparkling tails the mimic the beautiful colors that appear in the sky after a storm.

Read More Stories About Nature to Your Children

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