dog in ghost costume

Non-Scary Halloween Activities For Kids

What if your child has a case of the jitters? Do ghosts, goblins, witches, and skeletons cause them to quiver?  You can still celebrate this festive holiday by putting your own non-scary spin on things. Follow these tips to take the spook out of Halloween!


girl on halloween

How To Celebrate Halloween Without the Fright

With ghosts, witches, monsters, and other scary creatures popping up all over the place, even the bravest kids may feel a little uncomfortable during the Halloween season. Sometimes it is a good idea to take a little break from the frightening parts and celebrate in a friendlier, less frightening way. Here are some fun ways to bring family and friends together without the unsettling sites and sounds of the notoriously creepy holiday.

halloween craft
Host an Ugly Sweater Party Instead of a Costume Party

Halloween costumes can be pretty frightening. Not know who is hiding behind a mask is unsettling, but it's even worse when the costume itself is scary. Lots of kids love to dress up as witches, monster, ghouls, and ghosts, which can cause some discomfort for your nervous child. Instead, invite guests to an Ugly Halloween Sweater party! Kids will still have the experience of "dressing up" for Halloween, but without the masks and the bloody costumes. Hold a contest for the winner, take lots of pictures, and watch your child enjoy a scare-free party.


halloween sweater


 Turn off the Scary Movies and Make Some Holiday Crafts

Halloween movies, even the ones made just for kids, will inevitably have a few scary parts. Even if it is not a horror movie by design, almost all of them will have a few startles. For kids already feeling a bit nervous, these shows will only fuel their fear. Instead, turn off the television and spend the evening hours making Halloween crafts. Quiet time at the kitchen table with a wide array of art supplies is a fun, relaxing way to wind down before bedtime. Painting pumkpins is always a fun favorite!


halloween craft


 Skip the Haunted Hay Rides and Head to the Kitchen

It's tempting to head to a local farm to participate in all the  activities. Corn mazes, pumpkin patches, hay rides, and haunted houses are popular attractions. But for timid little children, these places can be very scary. Farms are decorated will all kinds of frightening figures, like towering ghosts blowing in the wind, nasty witches stirring ingredients in a cauldron, and more. The worst part of live attractions are hay rides notorious for jump scares around every bend. Rather than taking your child to one of these places, spend some quality time in the kitchen baking festive Halloween cookies! 


halloween cookies


History Explains Why Halloween Is Scary 

The origins of Halloween can be traced back to a Celtic festival where people wore costumes in order to scare away the ghosts. Over 2000 years ago, the Celts in Ireland, northern France and the United Kingdom celebrated their new year on November 1st. The night before, October 31st, the people believed the ghosts of the dead would return to earth and ruin their harvest.  People 
gathered around bonfires and dressed in frightening costumes to ward off these ghosts and usher in the new year. This historic ritual explains why so many people to this day dress up in scary costumes on Halloween.


Read More Stories This Halloween 

Funny Halloween Books for Kids

Jack-O'-Lantern Stories

Lonely Scarecrow Tales

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