Herbert is a lonely cat in search of friends and a loving home. When he learns that witches love pet cats, he sets off on a mission to find a witch. He encounters lots of interesting characters but none of them match the profile of a witch completely. Feeling dejected, he heads over to the library for warmth and shelter. Much to his delight, he discovers exactly what he is looking for between the bookshelves.
Best Witch Stories For Halloween
Halloween is the time of year when witches make their appearance. They show up as spooky decorations swinging in tree branches and hovering on front porches ready to greet trick-or-treaters. Long pointy noses, green faces dotted with moles, long, black hair, and cackling laughter are traits that often appear in witch books perfect for Halloween. They are almost always portrayed as friendly creatures with the ability to cast magic spells, but there is so much more to learn about witches. Sometimes they make funny mistakes and more often than not they are never to be feared. They star in picture books about Halloween, along with ghosts, goblins, and other scary creatures. Make sure to also read about haunted houses for more Halloween spooks, and when you are finished, move on to the best ghost stories!

Witch Picture Books for Preschool and Up
Are witches real? Well, that depends on who you ask. What we do know is that they most frequently appear as women in movies, books, and throughout history. There are all sorts of facts about witches that may offer proof that they actually exist. Kids may think of them as beings who brew magic potions in cauldrons, fly through the air on broomsticks, and cast evil spells. More often than not, witches have been treated as pariahs and outcasts in society, with pain inflicted upon them far worse than any harm they have done to others. These picture books about witches for kids in preschool feature more whimsical characters who cast a few harmless spells and befriend everyone they meet.

A Very Brave Witch
An adorable witch book for the preschool crowd from an award-winning author/illustrator team. A little witch lives by herself far away from humans, but she has certainly heard about them and the scary holiday they celebrate, Halloween. She has managed to avoid this spooky night until one year everything changes. A fun book about a friendly version for the youngest of readers.

Wanted: Witch's Cat
Living life as a witch can be very lonely. And finding the perfect feline companion can prove to be a challenge given the very specific job requirements. A delightful read-aloud in rhyming text is at once heartwarming and comical. After interviewing many, many cats of different breeds, will our crafty lady finally settle on a candidate? A great Halloween book that kids will want to read all year long.

The Witches' Supermarket
Funny, suspenseful, and whimsical book about these wicked witches who need to eat, too! One Halloween night, a little girl and her dog (dressed i costume), happen upon a food store that caters to unique customers. Her curiosity piqued, she enters the store to do a little grocery shopping. Will they be able to mingle with the rest of the shoppers without their true selves being exposed? Readers will be on the edge of their seats until they turn the very last page of this really entertaining story.

Old Black Witch!
Classic, not-even-remotely-scary book for preschool and young elementary aged children. It's about a little boy and his mom who move into an old house that, much to their dismay, has a resident witch. Their plans to convert this house into a tearoom are upended by this cranky sorceress who doesn't want company. The pair are in despair until they discover that their broom-wielding friend is a master blueberry pancake chef! After reading this darling book, try your hand in the kitchen with the recipe in the back.

The Witch With a Twitch
Poor Kitch, the cat, has not been paired up with a normal witch. Instead of bravely flying through the sky on a broomstick, Willa is a ball of twitching nerves. She's fearful of all things, especially toads, spiders and nighttime. But what happens when Kitch needs to be rescued? Can Willa muster up the courage to save her cat? Kids will laugh and cheer for this endearing lady with a twitch.

The Good Witch of Salem
A poetic book about a lovely enchantress who make it her mission to deliver happiness to anyone suffering. Her cat Aura works by her side to create the most magical, colorful potions. She hopes her concoctions will help people heal and find peace in their lives. A most gentle witch book for children who will enjoy pouring over the adorable illustrations.

Lulu Goes to Witch School
A highly enjoyable, beginner reader chapter book about a little girl who is excited to start school. With a new Dracula lunch box packed with her favorite treats, she heads off to begin a new adventure. Almost everything about school is perfect. There is just on problem, though. There is another witch-in-training who seems to be better than Lulu at all of their tasks. Will Lulu get over her jealousy and make a new friend? Young readers will relate to Lulu's social situation even if her school is a bit unconventional.

Alice and Greta: A Tale of Two Witches
Two little witches attend the same school of magic, but they take two very different approaches with the skills that they learn. One casts amazing spells for the good of others and the other makes all kinds of mischief with her magic wand. Lots of lessons learned for the kindergarten and up crowd in this clever book about reaping what you sow.
Snitchy Witch
A girl gets herself into some trouble with her friends at Spellbound Camp. Rather than relaying only the important events that could be hurtful, she snitches about every single thing that happens. Her friends cast a spell on her that can only be broken once the incessant snitching ends. Lots of good, rhyming fun and valuable lessons tied into this cute spellbinding story.

Which Way to Witch School?
A charming book with valuable lessons learned by all! Some things may look quite different at Mrs. Thornapple's school. For instance, instead of working on reading and arithmetic, these darling students practice magic broomstick skills and experiment with potions. But never fear, there are plenty of relatable situations that arise for spellbound readers.

The Littlest Witch
The cutest book perfect for every little kid eager to do big kid things. Wilma the Witch may be little, but she has mastered her broom skills and is ready to fly. There is a big event where all the enchantresses get to demonstrate their broom expertise. Wilma is not allowed to be part of the program so she figures out other ways she can be a helpful. A page of sparkly stickers enhances the fun of this non-scary Halloween story.

The Worst Witch
In this first installment of a chapter book series for new readers, Mildred can't seem to do anything right. She's attending an academy to work on her skills but things are not going well. Mixed up spells, an uncooperative kitty, and a rough start with the teacher's pet are just a few of problems. This classic series has been reissued with new illustrations sure to appeal to kids who love sorcery.

The Witch Who Was Afraid of Witches
Not everyone has a knack for riding brooms, casting spells, and scaring others with her cackle. In this short illustrated chapter book, Wendy is terribly afraid of her big sisters who happen to be very accomplished witches. Wendy must do some soul-searching and seek for ways in which she can prove she is just as skilled as the others.

Which Witch?
A fantasy chapter book for tweens about a wizard in search of the most evil witch to marry. All of the candidates in town sign up for a contest where they can showcase their skills at whipping up magic potions, casting evil spells, and trying to prove they are the most powerful of them all. Poor Belladonna has fallen for the wizard and wants to win his heart. But all she can seem to muster up with her witchcraft are baby birds and lovely flowers. Readers will be eager to find out if she can whip up anything sinister enough to win.

The Little Leftover Witch
A timeless book about the importance of belonging and family. Felina was flying far from home one Halloween night when her broom breaks. She is forced to find herself a new home with the Doon family who welcomes her with open arms. They even happen to have a black cat! Felina and the family learn how to make their living arrangements work despite their differences.

It's Raining Bats and Frogs
Delia is the cutest little enchantress who has been looking forward to the broom-flying parade all year. When the weather forecast shows rain on that evening, Delia puts her spells to work. She substitutes other objects for the rain, like cats and dogs, hats and clogs, and finally bats and frogs. Each change in the weather brings hilarious problems that Delia did not anticipate. A fun book brimming with magic.

The Girl Who Drank the Moon
A Newbery Medal Winner, a New York Time Bestseller, and many other accolades issued by public libraries across the country. This fantasy chapter book is about a misunderstood witch with a kind heart. The local people offer up a baby every year to the witch in exchange for a promise of peace. What they do not realize is that the witch has no intention of terrorizing the town. She safely re-homes the babies to loving families on the other side of town. One year, the enchantress accidentally nourishes one of the babies with moonlight, instead of starlight. The baby is filled with magical gifts, and she decides she must be the one to raise the girl. A beautiful journey packed with love, fantasy, danger, adventure, and imagination.

A Woggle of Witches
A classic children's picture book about sorceresses who are more inclined to be frightened than to do the frightening on Halloween. On this very important night, the ladies gather together for a feast of bat stew and spider web bread. When they take off on their brooms for their journey into the night, they spot all kinds of creepy critters (errrr....trick-or-treaters) that scare them into retreat! Reminiscent of Tim Burton-ish, spine-tingling fun.

The Witches
Roald Dahl is a master storyteller and this witch book does not disappoint. A little boy is enamored with his grandmother's knowledge. She shares with him the evil nature of these spell-casting creatures, especially their hatred for children. They boy learns that witches have plotted to turn all kids into mice, sending him on a mission to stop them in their tracks! A story of magic, fantasy, and bravery complemented by pencil illustrations.

I Want to Be a Witch
A cute book about empowerment. A little girls dreams of being a witch, but she doesn't have plans to follow the rules like cooking up stinky potions or casting spells that would turn people into frogs. Instead, she plans on wearing a sparkly hat, not the black pointed kind. And of course, her pet cat would be her companion wherever she goes! This adorable book is all about finding your own path in life.
Humbug Witch
This is one of our favorite books for preschoolers! A little girl with a big imagination dresses the part of a witch to a tee. Her costume on point, she does her best to put her magic wand to work. She grows more and more discouraged when none of her spells work. Young readers will find her antics funny and her failures relatable.

How to Catch a Witch
Readers are whisked away on a frightful adventure to catch a witch who is wreaking havoc on Halloween. The wicked woman has opened an evil portal that released ghosts, ghouls, and goblins who are gobbling up all the candy. The kids must quickly set up traps to catch her so she can shut the portal. If not, all the candy will be gone and Halloween will be ruined for everyone.

Leila the Perfect Witch
A fun book to read to kids who are perfectionists, much like Leila. This little lady is successful at everything she does. Leila as won trophies for her potion-mixing skills and is a renown shape-shifter. The over-achiever is now testing her prowess in the kitchen with the hopes of winning a baking contest. For the first time in her life, Leila experiences failure. Determined not to quit, she calls in her sisters, who happen to be master bakers, to help her with the creation.

The Junior Witch's Handbook
This fun handbook for the 8+ crowd is chock full of spellbinding entertainment. It's a how-to for kids especially interested in witchcraft and incorporating some practices into their lives. It is a beautiful book divided into sections about friendship, family, and personal fulfillment. Whether your child is simply curious about exploring their magic from within, learning about rituals, spells, and potions, or delving deep into facts about chakras, herbs, and crystals, this handbook has it all.

Only a Witch Can Fly
An enchanting, poetic book about flying, but even more about following your own path in life. A little girl dreams about soaring through the sky on a broomstick with her faithful cat by her side. She musters up the courage one day, and after several failed attempts, she magically takes off on the journey of a lifetime. Simple prose and magical illustrations define this enchanting story.

The Wednesday Witch
A classic story perfect for the 7-10 age group ready for short chapter books! Everyone knows that a witch's magic is most potent on Wednesdays. When Mary Jane hears a knock on her door, she opens it to find a suspicious-looking lady with a cat (who arrived by vacuum cleaner). A good old-fashioned tale of mischief and magic.

Old Witch and the Polka-Dot Ribbon
An oldie but goodie, this book packed with a whole lot of humor. In this story, Old Witch is determined to win the baking contest at the annual local carnival. After she is told that Mrs. Butterbean always wins first place, she sulks for a bit and then decides that this year things will be different. She gets to work right away on her magic nut cake, determined to take home the blue ribbon.
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Creepy Scarecrow Picture Books