
27 Smelly Books for Kids About Underwear


One Big Pair of Underwear

A comical book about sharing that involves the one silliest item that perhaps should never be shared. Kids will get a kick out of this zany, cumulative counting book about a bunch of animals who learn that sharing can actually be fun. Written with alliteration and illustrated with expressions that will bring on a fit of giggles.  A top drawer story that is a favorite amongst toddlers and preschoolers.



Funny Children's Underwear Books

The word itself is enough to garner a few giggles among little kiddos. Authors and illustrators have tapped into their sense of humor by delivering a selection of the funniest picture books about unmentionables. Stories about undergarments are great to read alongside potty training books to get little ones excited about graduating out of diapers. During this phase, personal hygiene is another skill that kids need to master, so be sure to address hand washing and other important tips. Wearing big kid underpants for the first time comes with responsibilities like lathering up after using the potty, and the scenes that play out across the pages will help reinforce this behavior. In some ridiculously silly situations, characters are caught in their polka-dotted skivvies with nowhere to hide. Other feature confident animals proudly parading around, showing off their goods like they are in a fashion show. And the best ones manage to sneak in a little lesson along the way!  


Veggies with Wedgies 

A short and silly book about the chaos that follows after a farmer hangs his clothes out to dry. A bunch of curious veggies, with absolutely no experience wearing undergarments, get themselves into a bind. They squeeze into ill-fitting undies with hysterical, and sometimes uncomfortable, outcomes. A purely ridiculous underwear book that provides an opportunity to talk about the value of eating veggies.



 Animals in Underwear ABC

Every letter of the alphabet is represented by a colorful menagerie of animals. Each one eagerly shares its fondness for bold and bright underwear across the pages of this ABC book for children. Gatefolds open throughout for kids to get a nice view of the wild and crazy half-dressed critters. May just inspire your toddler to ditch the diaper and shop for some snazzy new underthings. 



 Creepy Pair of Underwear!

From the team that brought us Creepy Carrots! we have an equally eery story about a rabbit who is a bit of a scaredy cat. Buyer beware: This book may not be a good choice for toddlers in the market for their first pair of underwear. You see, this is the story of an eager (but not so brave) rabbit who excitedly chooses a pair of neon green undies in lieu of  boring tighty whities. This seems like a good choice until the nighttime when the lights go out. The glow-in-the-dark underwear takes on a life of its own and has poor rabbit second-guessing his purchase. Kids will  laugh (well, maybe nervously giggle) until they reach the very clever ending!


A History of Underwear with Professor Chicken

Perhaps one of the funniest history lessons your kids will ever read! Professor Chicken takes little ones way back in time to the stone age where a nomad was found preserved in ice wearing one particular garment- perhaps the original pair of underwear. From hear, kids go on an interesting journey where they learn about all the interesting and silly ways underwear has evolved in society. Deadpan humor, puns that never get old, and illustrations of models proudly showing off their underthings will keep kids coming back to this book again and again.



Something's Wrong!: A Bear, a Hare, and Some Underwear 

 Have you ever had one of those off days when you can't figure out exactly what is wrong?  That's the case with a bear who goes about the day with his underwear in full view.  Gasp! In probably what is the most embarrassing slip up ever, bear incorrectly wears his underwear over his fur. Fortunately, his best friend has a healthy amount of empathy for his friend and help him remedy the situation without laughing at him. This is a remarkable book about friendship and some unmentionables. 



 Arthur's Underwear 

Arthur has a case of nerves that he just can't shake. His greatest fear of all time is showing up at school wearing only his underwear. He would be the laughingstock of the entire building. This paranoia of showing up in his skivvies creeps into his dreams, so Arthur decides to pull an all-nighter. If he doesn't fall asleep, then the nightmares won't occur. Kids love this picture book about underwear that perfectly captures the emotional toll of forgetting to wear pants to school. 



Much to his mother bear's frustration, a cub is far too distracted by a pair of underwear to settle in for the night. Who knew that one little pair of tighty whities could be transformed into hair, a cape, and even goggles! A little imagination goes a long way in this humorous book just right for the preschool crowd. 



 Bismark is one grouchy buffalo, so his animal friends rally around him in an effort to improve his disposition. They prance around in their silliest underwear, and with a little nudge, Bismark finally joins in on the fun.  A sweet book about how sometimes the simplest things in life (like underwear!) is all it takes to shake a case of the blues.



 The Underwear Book

 The perfect underwear etiquette book for kids just figuring out the rules around their undergarments. Simple instructions for what to do, and what not to do, when it comes to wearing underwear. Bold pictures of a variety of underwear will draw giggles from little readers. And the practical advice, while may seem obvious to more experienced wearers, will come in handy for kids who are just out of diapers.



Vegetables in Underwear

It's a funny marriage of vegetables and skivvies in this very cute picture book. All types of underwear- clean and dirty, plain and fancy- make an appearance along with a cheery group of colorful veggies. An entertaining read-aloud that will help you talk to your little ones about wearing underwear AND eating healthy foods.



 Santa's Underwear

It's no fun when you are forced to retire your favorite pair of underwear. In this story, Santa is going through his ritual of getting dressed on Christmas Eve. But alas! His most comfortable, special underwear for this particular holiday have gone missing. Sure, they were a bit ragged and worn, but that would not have stopped him from wearing his Christmas undies. After trying on some others and concluding they are all wrong, his reindeer come to the rescue with a fresh, hole-free pair perfect for the big night.



Attack of the Underwear Dragon

This is story of a brave knight-in-training who is forced to reckon with a ferocious dragon wearing the most gigantic pair of underwear you have ever seen. Cole has landed his dream role of Assistant Knight to Sir Percival. His training is going well and he practices his sword skills with determination and discipline. Fortunately, those skills are put to good use when the Underwear Dragon destroys the entire kingdom and Cole must defend his life. Due to a funny twist involving the tighty whities, Cole prevails and this story ends happily ever after.



 U is for Underwear

 The charm of this ABC board book is the simplicity of its illustrations. Each page features a large image with clean lines of an everyday object and its corresponding letter. While not a book exclusively about underwear, the cover features a pair of old-school tighty whities, so we included this darling book on the list. If you're looking for a baby shower book, this is a unique gift that surely won't be duplicated.


 Maggie McNair Wears Stinky Underwear 

Sometimes the most important lessons in life are learned the hard way. Stubborn Maggie hates taking baths more than anything. When she experiences a most humiliating event, she finally understands that baths, no matter how boring, are necessary for good hygiene. A funny book that will generate even more laughter at the mention of stinky, stinky underpants  



Dinosaurs Love Underpants

There are some scientific theories about why dinosaurs no longer roam the earth. But this picture book about underwear has an interesting explanation.  Frisky dinosaurs had such a passion for underpants that they fought each other for every pair- to the point of extinction! This exciting, action-packed picture book about fierce creatures with a bizarre fixation is good for a few laughs.



 Big Girl Panties 

 It's time to celebrate! In a board book with stylized illustrations, a cute tot has graduated from wearing diapers. Big girl panties are colorful, fun, and comfortable to wear! Perfect for any preschooler who is close to completing potty training. This underwear book for toddlers may provide just the right motivation they need. Zippy, fun rhymes and a cute cast of critters grace the pages of this charming book.




 Polar Bear's Underwear

 Readers follow the journey of a polar bear who has lost his one and only pair of underwear. In a creative die-cut novelty book, kids can examine a variety of underwear to determine the rightful owners. Clues are provided based on size (a teeny pair for a delicate little butterfly) and pattern (pictures of junk food on the pair for the pig). At the end of the story, kids will learn a very important lesson about the importance of always wearing a pair.



Pirates Love Underpants 

Arghhh!!! A ship full of pirates is on a hunt to find a hidden treasure. In this case, they are searching for the Pants of Gold! This wild, seafaring gang loves all kinds of underwear. When they learn about the legendary undergarment treasure, not even shark infested waters will get in their way. A talented author-illustrator team delivers a humorous and engaging picture book.



 Aliens Love Dinopants

Kids who love books about underwear will enjoy this preposterous and imaginative story. A group of aliens makes an emergency landing in the jungle. They can't believe their good fortune when they stumble upon the most glorious pile of gigantic, colorful underthings. In the midst of their celebration, they are startled by the return of the prehistoric creatures. Kids will get a kick out of the craziness that ensues when aliens and dinosaurs discover  mutual adoration for unmentionables.  



Big Boy Underpants

Lots of positive reinforcement in this board book about a little boy who finally says goodbye to diapers. Cheery pictures reflect the toddler's happiness in reaching this big milestone. Just the right message for preschoolers who are finally potty trained and ready to shop for some spiffy new briefs.


Monsters Love Underpants 

You've never seen so many different patterns on underpants! In this rhyming story, a group of monsters shares a passion for their colorful undergarments. Every Saturday night, they gather in a secret place to party in their briefs. This not-so-scary monster book is pure silliness for preschoolers who are just getting used to life without diapers.


 Aliens Love Underpants 

Never fear! These aliens have no interest in kidnapping babies. Rather, they have descended from outer space to snatch some cool briefs and boxers. Believe it or not, underwear does not exist where they live, so these clever creatures devise a plan to steal them from earthlings. This silly children's books about underwear will have you think twice next time you hang your laundry out to dry. The vibrant pictures and catchy rhymes will propel this book to the top of your child's reading pile.



Doctor Grundy's Undies

Dr. Grundy wants his undies back. With a gust of wind, his beloved tiger striped boxers blow off the clothesline and go on a tour around the world. On a crazy journey, these silly underpants meet up with pirates, bagpipers, tailors, and all kinds of other people in different countries. Meanwhile, Dr. Grundy is left behind in despair, wondering how he will ever recover his favorite pair.



 A Brief History of Underpants 

With tons of puns and hilarious illustrations, this non-fiction book is chock full of facts about undergarments. Kids will be blown away by the evolution of bloomers, which starts well before the invention of elastic. Kids will be amazed to learn about the evolution of bloomers and all the archeological evidence that has been gathered around what our ancestors wore to protect their private parts. Cartoonish and factual picture book that will convince readers of its importance. 



 Our Principal's in His Underwear!

A silly short chapter book for new readers about a principal who is a bit quirky. A fun spin on The Emperor's New Clothes, this story takes readers inside Mr. Bundy's school where something is amiss. The zany principal is proud of his new drawers and isn't afraid to show them off to all the student. Sure to induce a few giggles upon reading out how all the student in the classroom react.



Underwear Salesman

What a fun book to read to kids on career day at school. All sorts of silly professions are explored in a story that will open minds to all kinds of opportunities. Written in verse, kids are introduced to a wide gamut of jobs ranging from plumber to philosopher to underwear salesman. Lots of jokes complemented by equally funny digital artwork work well in this unconventional book about how people earn a living.


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kids laughing at underwear


Why Kids Laugh at Books About Underpants

Potty talk seems to be a universally funny topic for little kids. All the funny words, sounds, and smells associated with bodily functions seem to send them into a fit of giggles. As parents, we do our best to teach our young ones all about manners, but sometimes it can feel like a losing battle. So, if you can't beat them, join them! Grab some of the silliest stories about poop for a few laughs and lessons about the human body. And while you are on this topic, toss in some books about farting for a blend of good humor and a little education about why bodies make gas. These children's books about underwear tickles  funny bones and teaches them some ABCs, 123s, and life lessons along the way. 


child laughing


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