picky eater

18 Funny Kids' Books About Picky Eaters


the seven silly eaters

The Seven Silly Eaters

A mother of seven turns into a short-order cook in order to meet the needs of her commanding brood. Each child has a particular fancy for a certain type of food, so this mother tirelessly works around the clock to satisfy each and every one of them. The author delivers a book that is full of humor while bringing to light a very real and not-so-funny problem about finicky eaters. This story, told in perfect rhyme, ends with a supremely satisfying twist that will take readers by surprise.  



picky eater


Children's Books to Help Picky Eaters Embrace Food

There is nothing more frustrating than preparing a delicious, nutritious meal only to watch your kids push the food around on their plates. All the shopping, prepping, and cooking is a lot of work, so it's maddening when kids refuse to eat food lovingly prepared for them. 

And then there is the more important issue at hand that worries the parents of picky eaters. Are their kids getting the vitamins and nutrients they need to grow and thrive? Unfortunately, it is not advisable to force a child to eat certain foods. A much better idea is to take a collaborative approach to this issue, and that begins with reading children's books about picky eaters.


tales for very picky eaters

Tales for Very Picky Eaters

You may think you have tried all the tricks, but this hilarious story will give you some new ideas. James is probably the pickiest eater on the plant, so his dad resorts to humor to try an open his mind. For example, James has the option to chew some used bubblegum in lieu of broccoli! This is one example of many outrageous scenarios. Ultimately, James decides that perhaps some foods are worth trying after all.


the picky eater project

The Picky Eater Project: 6 Weeks to Happier, Healthier Family Mealtimes
If you are ready to kick your kid's picky food habit once and for all, this helpful book lays out a six-week plan. Parents are encouraged to involve their children in every step of the process, from planning weekly menus, shopping, and prepping food. Experimentation is highly encouraged! Lots of interactive opportunities and kid-friendly recipes even the pickiest of eaters will enjoy.



 bread and jam for frances

Bread and Jam for Frances

A classic book that parents of fussy eaters might just remember reading when they were little. Frances' diet is limited to bread and jam, and her mother is worried that she isn't getting the proper nourishment. She lovingly packs delicious lunches that include hardboiled eggs and yummy chicken salad sandwiches. But Frances trades these items at lunch for her preferred food. Will her mother ever succeed in getting Frances to open her mind to new food possibilities?



 i will never not eat a tomato

I Will Never Not Ever Eat A Tomato

Lola is one stubborn little girl who has very strong feelings about what she will and will not eat. It's a good thing her big brother, Charlie, knows just what to do. His imagination runs wild with his descriptions of veggies, for instance carrots are actually tiny orange twigs from Jupiter! Charlie's outrageous descriptions pique Lola's interest in trying all of these incredibly interesting delicacies. An abundance of wit and humor are to be found in this book about the pickiest eater ever.



fussy flamingo

Fussy Flamingo

A funny book that takes the saying "you are what you eat" to a whole new level. Lola is a flamingo whose feathers do not ever turn pink. That is because she simply refuses to eat shrimp, the beloved food of all flamingos that is responsible for their beautiful color.  When little Lola begins snacking on some other foods not meant for flamingos, her feathers take on the shade of the food! This book is a good segway for parents can use to talk about how diet affects the body. Lots of interesting flamingo facts at the end for some added reading fun.



dw the picky eater

D.W. the Picky Eater

It's bad enough that D.W. is a picky eater who refuses to eat all the vegetables on her salad. But soon her poor table manners get her into some big trouble. While dining at a restaurant with her family, she tosses her salad onto the floor in disgust. D.W. doesn't seem to mind being grounded, until she realizes that life is carrying on without her. Everyone is busy planning Grandma Thora's birthday dinner, and D.W. realizes she must improve her behavior (and eating habits) or she will miss out on all the fun.

piranhas don't eat bananas

Piranhas Don't Eat Bananas

 Humor may be the best approach for broadening your child's dietary preferences, and this may be just the right book. Brian has nice, sharp teeth, just like all the other piranhas, but he prefers soft foods. In fact, he chooses bananas and other fruits over meat, the typical food his fish friends consume. Then one day he spots appetizing objects dangling in the water (a pair of human feet), but this is definitely not the right time to test his chompers. 



 daniel tries a new food 

Daniel Tries a New Food

Daniel Tiger fans will enjoy this story about the importance of trying new foods. Miss Elaina has been invited to Daniel's house for dinner, so his mother decides to cook some special menu items for the occasion. Both Daniel and Miss Elaina are hesitant at first, but together they learn that trying new foods can be both exciting and delicious.



 the foodie flamingo

The Foodie Flamingo

Frankie is not like the other flamingos. He is tired of an exclusive diet of shrimp, so he starts experimenting in the kitchen. With each new concoction, Frankie's feathers change colors. But that doesn't stop him from enjoying delightful new foods. At first his flamingo friends are weary, but soon they are flocking to Frankie's house to try all the flavorful delicacies he is preparing.



 the picky eater

The Picky Eater

This adorably illustrated book is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers who have finicky food habits. It's about a pig named Piper who has one very strict requirement of the food she eats. it must begin with the letter P. Unfortunately, her options are quite limited. What will her concerned parents do with their stubborn little piglet?   



 the league of picky eaters

The League of Picky Eaters

A funny chapter book about taking pride in your pickiness! Minerva is a little girl from a town that rewards citizens for their foodie habits. Food items are ranked on a scale (for example, french fries = beginner status; truffles- delicacy status). Fussy eaters like Minerva are sent to a special class at school, aptly named Retch. There she meets some of the most finicky eaters ever and makes some fantastic friends. Together they learn that maybe staying true to yourself is more important than expanding your palate.



 picky peggy

Picky Peggy

This story shifts the focus from a child to a baby duck, and the effects a bad diet have on its physical health and energy level. Peggy, herself a picky eater, feeds breadcrumbs to a little duck. Soon enough, these breadcrumbs become duck's favorite food, and the only thing he will eat. When his feathers fall out and his eyes grow dull, Peggy returns to the farm for help. The farmer shares valuable information about the importance of eating a healthy diet. She begins to feed that duck what it needs to thrive, and along the way, she adopts a well-balanced diet of her own.


 picky eater cookbook fun and easy recipes to make with kids 

The Picky Eater Cookbook: Fun & Easy Recipes to Make With Kids

An effective way to get kids excited about food is to engage them in the cooking process. This colorful cookbook includes close to 90 kids-friendly recipes with step-by-step instructions. Delicious ideas for snacks, meals and desserts will expand your child's interest in new food to try. This accessible cookbook is a nice balance of recipes for both extremely healthy concoctions and comfort food favorites.



cave dada picky eater 

Cave Dada: Picky Eater

Apparently kids who are picky eaters can be traced back to the prehistoric days. Baba demands that his Dada give him an egg for breakfast. This doesn't sound like an unreasonable request, except that there are no eggs in the cave. Dada offers baby a whole assortment of other foods instead, but none of them will do. So, like any good dad would do, Cave Dada heads out to find a freshly laid egg underneath a huge chicken. An unfortunate event leads to a surprise that delights Baba and his palate.


priscilla the picky porcupine

Priscilla the Picky Porcupine

Priscilla sounds like someone you may know. She dislikes veggies, so don't expect her to allow leafy green pass through her close, tight lips. But she love pizza and desert and would eat them seven days a week. Feeling frustrated, her parents send her away to place that fixes picky eaters. Lots of alliteration adds to the fun of this story that is a great read aloud.


i am picky confessions of a fussy eater

I Am Picky: Confessions of a Fussy Eater

A laugh-out-loud kind of story about a raccoon who defies all logic. These animals normally tip over trashcans in search of anything that is remotely edible. Not this gal. She has some very particular dietary preferences that make it that much harder to find snacks. Milk has to be sour and blueberries mush be crunchy. And only the most horrible trash will satisfy her palate. Kids who relate to her finicky ways (not her food choices!) will read this one over and over again.



 just try one bite

Just Try One Bite

The tables are turned in this New York Times bestseller about parents who prefer cake over kale. Written in rhyme that is oh-so-fun to read out loud, this story is about some kids who are sick and tired of their parents' penchant for junk food. They beg and plead for them to cast aside the chicken fried steak and chomp on some broccoli instead. The gagging adults and their overreaction to foods they find disgusting will tickle the funny bone of your little readers. A must-read for families with picky eaters that puts a light and silly spin on a frustrating behavior.

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lollipop book club

Why Read Kids Stories about Picky Eaters 

It's pretty common for young children to have a small menu of items they are willing to eat. Chicken fingers, french fries, mac and cheese, and pizza don't exactly line up with the five food groups. And while these foods are easy and convenient to prepare, savvy parents are sure to worry about whether their little ones are getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Reading the best kids books about picky eaters is a good way to make some progress with a stubborn child. Instead of battling it out over a plate of food, share some stories about fictional characters who exhibit the same unwillingness to try new foods. These books will generate a lot of laughs and may make mealtime a tad easier next time.


boy eating vegetables


Convert Your Fussy Eater to a Food Lover

Kids who are fussy about their food create a great deal of stress in the household. What starts as a child who is mildly selective about food can morph into a kid who has a very short list of menu items. When this happens, parents may find themselves cooking special meals for that child, apart from what the rest of the family is eating. This is not a practical or sustainable way to feed a family. Moreover, this finicky kiddo may not be getting all the nutrition necessary to grow and thrive. So, what can you do to broaden the palate of a kid whose nose crinkles every time you serve something new?

Some tips to help you win the battle against  stubborn kids:

  • First and foremost, understand that picky eating is quite common among preschool children. Some studies have indicated that as many as 50% of kids in this age bracket are selective about food. In most of these cases, the children will outgrow this behavior and learn to love a wide variety of food.
  • Don't introduce too many new foods all at the same time. For example, if your child love chicken nuggets and french fries, try serving these favorites alongside one additional food item that isn't on the favorite list. Encourage your little one to have a few bites of the new food in addition to their preferred go-to items.
  • Rule out a food sensory issue. Sometimes a processing disorder can be disguised as picky eating when in fact it's a condition that needs to be treated with therapy. During mealtime, if your child frequently cries, gags, refuses to eat, demonstrates strange food preferences, or has delayed food milestones (i.e. difficulty chewing and swallowing solid foods), these are all signs of a food sensory disorder. Consult with your child's pediatrician who will likely refer you to a nutritionist for further evaluation and assistance.
  • Take the opportunity to talk to your child about your own food decisions. By being a good role model, your own habits may eventually rub off on your kids. Make the topic of conversation about you, not about your child. When you opt for a piece of fruit over junk food, verbalize the reason for your choice. Routinely talk about good health and taking care of your body by what you put into it. Ideally, you want your children to make healthy decisions about what to eat on their own, not because they are forced to eat certain foods at the dinner table.
  • Remove the power struggle from mealtime. Rather than demand your children eat certain foods, engage them in the process of shopping and preparation. This may not be convenient to do all of the time, but it's worth a try on a day when activities are light. Ask your child to sit down and look at pictures of recipes and choose something that looks good. Empowerment goes a long way in the battle to open your child's mind to new foods.
  • Kids' books about picky eaters offer a lot of important lessons about the value of eating a healthy, varied diet. By reading these books, you take the emphasis off of your own child and place it on the characters in the book. This removes the tension and allows the child to talk freely about the topic without discussing their own habits. Eventually, the food-positive messaging will influence your little reader's decision to try new things.


picky eater


Picture Books to Support Healthy Food Habits

Crispy Apple Stories

 Crunchy Carrot Tales

Books for Kids About Cooking

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