
29 Good Kids' Books About Doctor Visits

berenstain bears go to the doctor
The Berenstain Bears Go to the Doctor

Of all the children's picture book characters, the Berenstain Bears address everyday family life in the most comforting, reassuring way. For little kids who have a case of the jitters, order a copy of this picture book that will surely put them at ease. It is time for the Bear family to get their annual check-up, so they head off to Dr. Grizzy's office. All of the normal, routine parts of an exam are covered very matter-of-factly. As an added bonus, a generous page of stickers is included on the very last page.

Books to Prepare Kids for Doctor Appointments

Anticipating a visit to the doctor can conjure up some seriously anxious feelings in children. The visit may be for a routine check-up, or as is often the case, to get a diagnosis, remedy and/or guidance for an illness or condition. To help prepare a child for an upcoming visit, we suggest that you gather together some good kids' doctor books. Even grown-ups can get a case of the jitters when it comes time to seek medical care. For young children who are a little nervous, reading will help them understand what to expect during their visit. These books will help show them that these professionals are to be trusted and there really is nothing to fear. Little ones who are curious other medical care will also benefit by reading stories about ambulances. Although it's impossible to predict when an emergency may occur, it's always a good idea to reassure children that medics will take good care of them!


Children's Books About Medical Checkups

It is perfectly normal for kids to feel anxious about their annual medical exams. Sharing picture books about this experience is an excellent tactic to calm their nerves, answer their questions, and help them understand that doctors are to be trusted. Reading children's books about going to the doctor can help. It's important for kids to understand what to expect during their visit. The best stories use colorful illustrations to share comforting stories about how physicians are here to take care of us. They convey important information, address a child's questions, and teach young readers that they need not be afraid. For more helpful books about medical care, be sure check out the best kids' books about the hospital.

peppa loves doctors and nurses

Peppa Loves Doctors and Nurses

Peppa Pig is just the one to show your children that doctors and nurses are the best. In this adorable book, Doctor Brown Bear and Nurse Fox visit Peppa and friends during playtime to teach them all about eating healthy and good hygiene. A handy poster comes with this storybook that can be hung in the bathroom as a reminder to wash hands.

pooh gets a check up

Pooh Gets a Checkup

You can always rely on a Winnie the Pooh book to help a child feel better. Pooh is very nervous about going ot the doctor for a check up. (Sound like someone you know?) Fortunately, Owl is the physician and Christopher Robin is there by his side the entire time. A gentle, warm, reassuring book perfect for toddlers who have a doctor's visit coming up soon.

splat the cat goes to the doctor

Splat the Cat Goes to the Doctor

Splat can hardly contain his excitement over his upcoming check up at the doctor's office. Unfortunately, his friends dampen his spirits with all kinds of frightening stories about what will happen. When he finally musters up the courage to face the doctor, Splat realizes that it isn't so bad after all.

here come doctor hippo

Here Comes Doctor Hippo

A cute little hippo engages in some pretend play, but not everyone is in the mood to humor him. He decides to be a doctor for the day, with plans to examine all kinds of animals like  Lion, Elephant, Crocodile and Giraffe. This pretend doctor gets a bit of a scare and seeks comfort from his mother, the best medicine of all.

daniel visits the doctor

Daniel Visits the Doctor

Perfect doctor book for preschoolers who watch the Daniel Tiger television series. In this cute book, Daniel is quite nervous about his upcoming visit. However, as soon as he meets Dr. Anna, all his worries disappear and he has a great experience.

we're going to the doctor

We're Going to the Doctor

Getting a shot is probably the most anxiety-inducing event associated with check ups. This interactive board book shows children that a needle doesn't hurt much! Lots of tabs to pull and flaps to lift as little ones explore all of the interesting things that happen at a doctor visit. This is a reassuring story packed with useful tips for parents and caregivers preparing a child for an impending appointment.

leo gets a check up

Leo Gets a Checkup

A short, sweet read for toddlers getting ready for their yearly check up. All of the customary things happen at his routine examination, including getting a shot, but Leo is brave and behaves well. He is rewarded with a special book at the end of his appointment. A very informative, easy-to-understand book perfect for the littlest readers.

my visit to the doctor

My Visit to the Doctor

Barbie fans will love this novelty book, with a bonus wellness chart and 50 stickers. Little sister Chelsea is afraid of going to see the doctor. Her big sisters come to her rescue by providing her with comfort and moral support. Kids love to see that even their favorite toys and characters need help from their trustworthy doctor from time to time.

my friend the doctor

My Friend the Doctor

A very good introductory book that will reassure children who are feeling jittery about an upcoming medical appointment. With just a short sentence or two on each page, readers are taken along a little girl's journey from start to finish, including a shot at the end. There are tips in the back for parents to follow if their little ones are especially anxious.

let's meet a doctor

Let's Meet a Doctor

This children's doctor book is perfect for a little one who has questions about all the important things a physician does to help people. Cartoon-like illustrations appeal to preschoolers. This is a fun, straightforward, reassuring book about all the ways doctors help us feel better.

doctor maisy

Doctor Maisy

A sweet story about Maisy who is pretending to be a doctor for the day. Along with her assistant, Nurse Tallulah, they make a very sick panda feel better. A little mishap occurs during the treatment, requiring the nurse to put a bandage on Maisy's nose. A cute book for fans of this endearing mouse.

let's visit the doctor

Let's Visit the Doctor

Toddlers and young children who are fans of Nickelodeon's Paw Patrol will especially love this book about going to the doctor.  All the friendly characters are here to reassure children that there is nothing to be scared about. A gentle, informative storybook with a surprise page of stickers on the last page.

pete the kitty goes to the doctor

Pete the Kitty Goes to the Doctor

A leveled reader for beginners starring Pete, an ordinarily confident kitty who is overwhelmed with fear when he needs a medical checkup. Fortunately, with his father by his side, the visit goes smoothly. Word repetition and illustrations with cues help newly independent readers tackle this book on their own.

how do dinosaurs get well soon

How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?

A great addition to the bestselling How Do Dinosaurs? series, kids will get a good laugh at pictures of ferocious beasts who refuse to cooperate during their checkups. The irony is not lost on little readers who will relate to the characters' refusal to take medicine, incessant whining, and other poor behavior.

froggy goes to the doctor

Froggy Goes to the Doctor

You can leave it to Froggy to interject humor into all of life's stressful situations. And this adorable book is no exception. Froggy is a bundle of nerves as he is waiting to see the doctor. He worries about every single thing that could happen, including the one thing on top of every young child's anxious mind- getting a shot! But never fear, Froggy survives his doctor's visit and even earns a gold star for his excellent behavior.

corduroy goes to the doctor

Corduroy Goes to the Doctor

A reassuring board book about a sweet bear's visit, from the waiting room to the check out desk, that will calm the nerves of toddlers. Corduroy is fearful of what will happen, but the gentle nature of caring medical professionals make him feel much better.

i want to be a doctor

I Want to Be a Doctor

An inspiring book for kids learning to read independently. A little girl provides support for her brother who visits the emergency room after breaking his foot. While there, she becomes fascinated with the many different types of doctors who care for her brother. This experience makes her decide that she would like to become a doctor herself on day! Many children have to go to the hospital at some point in time. This book does a good job of explaining what will happen while putting kids at ease.

there's a doctor for you

There's a Doctor for You

A board book with sturdy pages teaches little readers about all the different kinds of doctors. Cute illustrations and simple, straightforward text will keep the attention of toddlers. No matter what body part needs attention, there is a special doctor who can help you feel better. This cute baby book does a nice job explaining a variety of medical roles.

biscuit visits the doctor

Biscuit Visits the Doctor

Yearly check-ups can sure be fun, especially if you are a cute little doggy! Biscuit is excited to visit the vet. He will find out how much he has grown this past year and see all kinds of furry friends in the office. Biscuit will show young readers that there is nothing scary at all about visiting the doctor.

elmo goes to the doctor

Elmo Goes to the Doctor

Elmo has to go to the doctor because he has a tummy ache. And then he has to visit the doctor again for a routine check up. During both of these visits, Elmo shows little readers that doctors are here to help us. Adorable illustrations and a cute story make this perfect for story time, and especially if a toddler has a doctor's appointment in the near future.

charlie the ranch dog goes to the doctor

Charlie the Ranch Dog Goes to the Doctor

Even doggies are afraid to go to the doctor sometimes. When Charlie refuses his favorite treats, him mom knows he is not feeling well. So off to see Dr. Jan. Charlie is really nervous about going to the doctor, but he puts on a brave face when he sees a quivering little puppy in the waiting room. Charlie puts his fear aside and learns that the doctor is his friend.

it's time for your check up

It's Time for Your Checkup

This is the most comprehensive book for children about visiting the doctor that we have come across. Tons of valuable information about what will happen at the check up itself, as well as advice for parents on how to prepare the child for the visit.

dora goes to the doctor

Say "Ahhhhh!" Dora Goes to the Doctor

Tag along with Dora as she goes for her annual checkup! Young children will get a firsthand glimpse at all the things to expect. The doctor weighs and measures Dora, checks her vision, and takes a peak up her nose and in her throat. At the end of the visit, Dora gets to pick a special treat as a reward for her good behavior.

future doctor

Future Doctor

A precocious tot knows exactly what he wants to be when he grows up- a doctor! This adorable board book has lots of information about what a doctor does. For children a teensy bit nervous about a doctor visit, this book will make them feel better! The most important job of a doctor is to help others, so there is no reason to be afraid.

nicky goes to the doctor

Richard Scarry's Nicky Goes to the Doctor

The characters of Busytown, an aptly named locale, are always full of excitement and learning something new. Nicky approaches his visit with the doctor as an opportunity to find out all kinds of fascinating facts about himself, like his height and weight. He doesn't mind the shot at all, and he's very cooperative as the doctor checks his hearing and vision. An uplifting children's book about the doctor with a ton of bonus stickers for extra fun.

goofy goes to the doctor

Goofy Goes to the Doctor

Goofy goes to great lengths to avoid his checkup! Fortunately, his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse friends are a few steps ahead of him. With some quick thinking and clever tricks, they win over Goofy and convince him that he has nothing to fear. 

doctors and what they do

Doctors and What They Do

Sometimes a lab coat and all of those medical instruments can be intimidating for a young child. This instructive book teaches us all about how doctors help us feel better. Whether we have fevers, wounds, broken bones, or pain anywhere in our body, doctors use their special tools to fix us. Once kids understand the role of their doctor, going for a check up won't seem so scary.

lion needs a shot

Lion Needs a Shot

Little lion cubs muster up the courage they need to survive their very first check up at the pediatrician's office. Big brother Luka confidently explains everything to little sister Lulu. He is brave, confident, and even holds her hand while she is being examined. But when it's his turn, Luka gets jittery and doesn't really think he needs to see the doctor after all. A reaffirming story for any child who is a bit nervous about going to the doctor for the first time.

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