Kindergarten tops the list as the most important school year to lay the foundation for academic success. A holistic approach to educating little students embarking on their first real school year is fundamental. This journey is not only filled with learning new concepts, but also developing self-esteem, independence, socialization, patience, and so many other valuable skills too long to list. All of these things are emphasized in a supportive kindergarten classroom, providing the the perfect environment for kids to confidently lean in and learn.
Major Academic Accomplishments in Kindergarten
These days it can feel like we celebrate every little thing in a child's life. And maybe there is some truth in the belief that we hand out too many certificates and medals, and in turn, diluting the value of real achievements. But...let's be clear...graduating kindergarten is the real deal. Take a moment to read all about what your child likely accomplished this year, and make sure to thank all the wonderful teachers who have helped pave the way.
(1) Math Concepts: Counting by ones and tens up to 100. Mastering addition and subtraction problems using values from 0 to 10. Identifying and writing numbers from 0 to 20.
(2) Reading and Writing Skills: Spelling first and last name. Write all the letters of the alphabet in both upper and lower cases. Know the sounds letters of the alphabet make. Recognize easy sight words and start to write some basic sentences. Retell stories in own words.
(3) Shape and Color Recognition: Identify shapes such as square, triangle, rectangle, and circle. Know basic colors like red, yellow, blue, green, orange, black, white, and pink.
(4) Follow Rules and Expand Attention: Understand and follow all the rules that keep the kindergarten classroom running smoothly. Attention span ideally would reach 15-20 minutes.
(5) Socialization Skills: Taking turns, expressing feelings, sharing classroom toys and objects, and engaging with other students through play.
This is only a short list of everything a kindergartener accomplishes in a school year!
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