
13 Silly Kids' Books About Pancakes

lady pancake and sir french toast


Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast
An imaginative story about what happens behind closed refrigerator doors. All of the food springs into action in an epic battle for the last drop of syrup. Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast engage in an action-packed adventure, navigating piles of sticky jelly and puddles of thick chili. Utilizing members of the major food groups to slide, fly, and skid their way to the sugary prize. 



Best Children's Pancake Books With Recipes

There is something pretty special about waking up to the smell of pancake batter cooking on the griddle. The sweet smell of a fresh pile of pancakes is enough to arouse even the sleepiest child from bed with the promise of a delicious breakfast. Some little ones love to eat them plain, or maybe with a pad of butter and some syrup. Others like to top them off with a spoonful of fresh fruit sprinkled with powder sugar. Parents who want to encourage eating healthy may want to serve up this delicious breakfast food topped with fresh berries, minus the sugary syrup. Kids' books about pancakes share the many ways people enjoy hot cakes.

pancakes an interactive recipe book

Pancakes: An Interactive Recipe Book

Budding young chefs will have so much fun reading and playing with this interactive book about making pancakes. Basic step-by-step instructions teach toddlers how to mix, whisk, and stir all the ingredients together. There are tabs to pull, wheels to turn, and pieces to put together in the best interactive toddler book about pancakes. 




pancakes, pancakes

Pancakes, Pancakes!

All Jack wants for breakfast is a hot pancake fresh from the griddle. His mother is happy to oblige, but she needs him to gather the ingredients first. Instead of gathering items from the pantry and refrigerator, the little boy must milk a cow, retrieve an egg from a hen, retrieve flour from the mill, and churn cream into butter. Eric Carle's signature illustrations convey a whole new meaning to making pancakes from scratch. 



made with love pancakes

Made With Love: Pancakes!
An adorable novelty book shaped like a pile of piping hot pancakes. Thick pages reveal a variety of toppings, like fresh fruit, sticky syrup, sweet whip cream and all kinds of other delicious foods that perfectly complement a stack of delicious pancakes.





super pancake

Super Pancake

A graphic novel about the unlikeliest of superheroes- Peggy Pancake! Life is not going well for her as she is dealing with Bacon Bullies at school and family drama at home. Then one day Peggy wakes up to discover she can fly, and possesses other superpowers as well. With the help of Luc Croissant, she puts her talents to good use and saves the town from evil.



pancakes for breakfast
Pancakes for Breakfast
This wordless picture book provides lots of room for kids to find their own way to tell the story. A little old lady is fixated on making pancakes for breakfast. The process does not go as planned when she discovers that some of the key ingredients are missing. Determined to finish what she started, the lady sets out to find the missing items, only to be derailed time and again by naughty pets. Hilarious and imaginative book for kids who can retell it their own way each time. 



if you give a pig a pancake

If You Give a Pig a Pancake

A best-selling story about a pig whose behavior resembles that of many little ones. What starts as a seemingly simple request for a pancake leads to a sticky syrupy mess, to a splashy good time in the bathtub, and a whole bunch of other activities. A silly, circular story that ultimately leads to a request for more pancakes.



 the case of the stinky stench

The Case of the Stinky Stench

Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast have to put their detective skills to good use in this second installment of a best-selling series. This time they must work together to find the source of a nasty smell coming from someplace inside the refrigerator. All the suspicious food items are thoroughly inspected until the culprit is finally discovered. Kids and parents will both enjoy this humorous story about an all-too-common problem. 




set sail for pancakes

Set Sail for Pancakes!
There is no obstacle that can get in the way of Margot and her grandpa. They are determined to make pancakes even though the kitchen cabinets are bare. Together they hop aboard a boat and set sail to various islands in search of what they need. Along their journey, the two meet up with lots of friendly animals and pick up some interesting ingredients to add to their recipe. 




curious george makes pancakes

Curious George Makes Pancakes
Pancake breakfasts are popular fundraisers that bring people together for a good cause. George and the man with the yellow hat attend an annual breakfast feast to raise funds for a local children's hospitals. George can't help by find trouble when he spots the people stirring batter and flipping pancakes. Soon he finds himself in the middle of the fun and ends up being the star of the show. A bonus page of pancake stickers is in the back of the book.



sunday pancakes

Sunday Pancakes
Teamwork is what it takes to make pancakes for breakfast one Sunday morning. Cat wakes up with a craving for a hotcakes but he does not have any milk or eggs. Fortunately, Rabbit and Bear arrive just in time with the necessary ingredients. Together they make the most delicious breakfast, along with lots of spills and fun along the way!




mission defrostable

Mission Defrostable
A frost has crept into the refrigerator, turning Pudding Pond into a sheet of ice. Lady Pancake and Sir French Toast jump into action before the entire food population freezes over. With the help of Baron von Waffle, they are working against time to fix the problem before they all fall victim to an epic case of frostbite.



the pancake problem
The Pancake Problem
A heavily illustrated chapter book about a dog, Weenie, who loves pancakes. Of course, he adores his human, long naps, and his best feline friend. But his love for pancakes if something else altogether. So when his pancake maker breaks, Weenie is desperate to come up with a solution so he can continue eating his favorite food.




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Why Read Kids Pancake Books

Books about hotcakes are packed full of adventurous stories, interesting pancake facts, and funny tales about characters who can't get enough of this delicious, piping hot breakfast food. In these stories, pancakes take on personalities of their own as they tackle villains, go on adventures, form friendships, and more often than not, find themselves on a serving platter. Hilarious books by creative authors and illustrators deliver lots of entertainment that will make tummies rumble along the way! Children's books about pancakes are full of action, silliness, and traditions all around a staple breakfast food. Kids will get a kick out of reading about all the ways pancakes bring people together, come to the rescue, solve mysteries, and most importantly, fill the tummies of hungry characters. Many of these books include delicious pancake recipes for kids to try after they are finished reading.For more breakfast food entertainment, kids will love reading all about donuts next!



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