The incredible bond between twins is undeniable, a fact that has been observed anecdotally and proven through scientific research. Some obvious reasons for the connection, like the fact that the siblings are exactly the same age and raised at precisely the same time, are readily understood. Yet there are so many more interesting facts about twins to unpack and explore, starting from conception through old age. Behaviors, intellect, habits, preferences, hobbies, and all the other dynamics that define a human being are studied in unison with twins.

Fascinating Information About Twins For Kids
Collecting kids' books about twins is so much fun for families who have been blessed with doubles. The stories capture the extra chaos that twins insert into households that have routines, schedules, and organization. Stories addressing sibling rivalry are always good to add to the collection since some of the issues that arise can be amplified amongst these dynamic duos. Whether the twins are joining older siblings or are the firstborns, they are guaranteed to create a frenzy when they arrive. Here are some fun facts about twins that offer more insight into this unique and special sibling relationship.
(1) Research has shown that siblings start communicating in the womb as early as 14 weeks through touch.
After they enter the world, twins continue their unique communication often by developing a new language only they can understand.
(2) It's no surprise that identical twins raised in the same home grow up with similar interests, traits, and behaviors.
Even more interesting, babies who are separated at birth and raised in different homes still show remarkably similar characteristics after twenty years.
(3) The number of twins born every year is increasing in number.
For example, forty years ago about 19 out of every 1000 babies was a twin. Present day that number is closer to 32 out of every 1000 births.
(4) Everyone is familiar with the difference between identical and fraternal twins.
But there is a third, lesser known type, called mirror twins. These babies are the result of the egg splitting much later in the process. Physical features like moles, freckles, and birthmarks appear on the opposite sides of their bodies, hence the term mirror twins.