little girl and grandfather

17 Gentle Children's Books About Death Of A Grandparent

i miss my grandpa
I Miss My Grandpa

A lovely story about a little girl who grieves a grandfather who she never had the opportunity to meet. She craves to know what he looked like, his personality traits, and what characteristics have been passed down to her.This story is a different take on feeling the loss of someone you never knew and striving to understand that grandparent's legacy that will be passed down to future generations.

Reading Picture Books to Cope When a Grandparent Passes Away

Finding the right words to say to a young child upon the death of a grandparent can seem impossible at times, especially when parents are processing their own grief from the loss of a parent. The best children's books about a grandparent's death, through their beautiful illustrations and moving text, provide comfort in times of emotional distress. Whether the loss was a long and drawn out process, like in the case of a grandparent suffering from Alzheimer's disease and dementia or occurred with little warning, the gaping hole in a child's heart is difficult to mend. The simple beauty in the verse can often convey what we, as parents or caregivers, struggle to communicate with children who are experiencing the passing of a loved one for the first time.


Stories About Grief Over Loss of Grandmother or Grandfather

Grandparents play an incredible role in the lives of their grandchildren. They offer unconditional love and support that is enhanced by wisdom from having already raised their own offspring. Sometimes they step in when parents are busy with work and other obligations by babysitting, chaperoning, helping with homework, cooking meals, and performing other daily tasks. And other times, they are simply there to soak in the sheer joy of being in the presence of little ones who have their whole lives ahead of them. So when beloved grandmothers and grandfathers reach the end of their lives and little ones are grappling with grief and confusion, it can be hard to find a way to help them cope. Talking about faith can be a source of comfort, perhaps suggesting their loved ones are now angels looking over their little ones from above. One of the best strategies is to gather the best children's books about grandparents dying. These stories convey the concept of death in gentle and simple terms for even the youngest ones to understand. Kids will find comfort in the messages and stories about learning how to express their emotions, as well as seek answers to difficult questions about the loss.


Best Books When a Grandmother Dies

Many children will experience the death of a grandmother at some point during their childhood or early adolescence. It's an incredibly sad experience especially for children who have forged close relationships with their grandmothers. Reading will help to  remind little ones about the legacy these special women leave behind, and help to foster conversations about heaven other religious beliefs around life after death. Here is a list of some of the best children's books about a grandmother dying that provide gentle guidance on coming to terms with the loss.

nana upstairs and nana downstairs

Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs

Tommy loves visiting the home of his grandmother and great grandmother. At just four years old, he struggles to deal with the loss of Nana Upstairs, a loving reference to his great grandmother who resides on the top floor of the house. A highly recommended book by renowned author Tomie dePaola, Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs gently handles the topic of grief and death through the eyes of a preschooler.

what's heaven

What's Heaven?

A little girl has just lost her great grandmother and she wonders about life after death. This touching story is a useful starting point for parents and other adults to talk to children about heaven and helps to answer some of the many questions children have about death.

grandma is a star

Grandma is a Star

A sensitive tribute to a grandmother who has recently passed away. This darling book conveys a message of everlasting life through the imagery of a star. A child is grief-stricken that he will never see his beloved grandma again, but finds tremendous comfort when he looks toward to the sky and finds her bright light watching over him.

out to sea

Out to Sea

A gorgeous picture book about a little girl who is overwhelmed with grief upon her grandmother's passing. She cries enormous tears that flood her room and carry her out to sea. On her journey, the child experiences a wide range of emotions. Eventually she find comfort and comes to terms with her sadness. When she returns home, she happy memories of her grandmother mitigate her sad feelings.

sending balloons to heaven

Sending Balloons to Heaven

For a little girl grappling with the grief of losing her grandmother, balloons represent a way to stay connected. She is heartbroken that she can't spend time with her grandmother here on earth, but she can send message of love to heaven with beautiful pink balloons, her grandmother's favorite color.

sadie and orie and the blue blanket

Sadie and Ori and the Blue Blanket

Ok, grab your tissues for this beautiful tribute to a beloved grandmother. She knit a blue blanket, endearingly named the "together blanket", when Sadie was born. This special blanket was an integral part of some special memories shared between Sadie, Ori and their grandmother. The blanket is ever-present throughout playtime with grandma, quiet reading time, all the Jewish holidays they celebrate as a family, and many other events.  As the years progress, the grandmother's activity slows. And then finally, the book ends with just the children curled under the blanket.

grandma's wishes of love from heaven

Grandma's Wishes of Love from Heaven

A heartfelt, reassuring book about a grandmother who has died. She is living a happy life in heaven, but when she realizes her grandchildren are grieving, she sends them a note. This note explains that she has made wonderful friends with whom she shares all her favorite memories of time spent with her grandchildren.

angel grandma

Angel Grandma

This beautiful, poetic picture book will help soothe children who are devastated over the loss of a special grandmother. The poignant message is that while this loved one is gone,  she will never be forgotten. A few special pages are reserved in the back of the book for family members to write tributes to their own Angel Grandma.

home in heaven

Home in Heaven: A Children's Book about Death, Mourning and Farewell

This touching story is about the close relationship a little girl, Emma, has with her grandmother. They are both going through transitional periods in their lives.  Emma is moving to a new home and her precious grandmother has moved into the final stage of her life. This book would be helpful for children who have a grandparent in hospice care or approaching the very end of life.


Picture Books About a Grandfather Dying

A collection of beautiful kids' books about a grandfather's death capture all the ways this special man made an impact on a grandchild's life. Connections between grandfathers and grandchildren are portrayed in throughout these keepsake storybooks. Reading can help a child understand grief and recall all the fond memories of this special relative. Consider including some heartwarming stories to help remind children of the special relationship they shared. 

grandpa is now in heaven

Grandpa is Now in Heaven

A beautiful poem and the sweetest illustrations complement each other in this tribute to a grandfather who has passed away. Young children will find peace in knowing that their grandpas will live on forever in their memories.


grandpa's stories

Grandpa's Stories

A little girl spends an incredible year making memories with her grandfather. They share quiet time around the fire, make each other special gifts, explore the outdoors, and simply enjoy each other's company. When her grandfather dies, the girl must face her grief and find a way to honor this man who was such an important part of her life.

janie and grandpa

Janie and Grandpa

A little girl has a very special bond with her grandfather. When he learns that he is dying, the grandfather has a chance to reassure Janie that he will always be with her in spirit even after he has left the earth. Sad, gentle and soothing book about death for young children.

grandad's island

Grandad's Island

A most unique, comforting, abstract way to address the topic of death with a young child. In this colorful, vibrant picture book, a little boy regularly visits with his grandfather who lives just a short stroll away. One day, grandad shows his grandson a secret door in his attic that leads to a lovely, tropical island. He proceeds to tell the child that he will soon be passing through this door to live his life in this tropical paradise. When the boy returns to visit his grandfather at a later time, he does not find him at home. He finds comfort knowing he passed through to a most special place.

the grandpa tree

The Grandpa Tree

A lovely, sentimental book about the natural cycle of life, and how we can commemorate a lost loved one by planting a tree. For children who have recently lost a beloved grandfather, this book provides comfort and peace.

stones for grandpa

Stones for Grandpa

A very moving book about the way a little boy copes about the death of his grandfather. He joins his family to place stones at the gravesite, an important Jewish custom. Everyone then shares all of their fond memories of time spent with this cherished part of the family. Afterwards, the boy's mother helps him create a memory box and reflect on all the special Jewish holidays he celebrated with his grandfather, from Purim to Hanukkah. A helpful story for any child suffering from the loss of a grandparent.

angel grandpa

Angel Grandpa

If you are at a loss for how to comfort a child whose grandpa has passed away, this gentle picture book will help. It's a loving poem that reassures young children that their beloved grandfather will always be with them in their heart. The gorgeous illustration convey a sense of connection with someone who is no longer with us. There is a place in the back of the book for children to write down memories of their own Angel Grandpa.

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