Jamie Lee Curtis has partnered up with Laura Cornell to write and illustrate numerous best-selling children's books tackling subjects like self-esteem, self-discovery, and self-control. This duo works magic together by pairing bouncy, lighthearted rhymes with charming illustrations that convey all the ebullience of young children figuring out life together. When choosing books to read to children, it's good to find stories that will boost their confidence and give them something to think about. These kids' books by Jamie Lee Curtis may be just what you need to read next story time.

For lots of young children, their mood swings can take them on an exhausting roller-coaster ride of emotions. This bouncy, rhyming book follows a little girl as she explores a wide array of feelings. Sometimes she's happy, sad, angry, frustrated, jealous, or just plain grumpy. This helpful book encourages children to talk about their own fluid emotional state and ways they can cope with the highs, the lows, and all the in-betweens.

Jamie Lee Curtis Picture Books Inspire Kids
Jamie Lee Curtis is Golden Globe Award-winning actress, but she has said that her work as a children's book author has brought her the greatest satisfaction. Her best-selling titles address some difficult life lessons and challenges faced by lots of kids. She delivers some pretty sound advice to young readers in a bouncy tone that is both uplifting and realistic. For more reading suggestions, check out the best children's books about anxiety. Children's books by Jamie Lee Curtis, illustrated by Laura Cornell, cover a spectrum of emotions and behaviors kids experience. She offers expert guidance to cope with tough situations through accessible and tender words. The messages in each and every one of these stories will resonate with kids who will one day become leaders who will change the world.

Although this book was expressly written for children, the audience is really quite broad. A celebration is taking place between a boy and a girl, simply because of exactly who they are right now. The two children exchange verses, each one bringing attention to a personal attribute that is uniquely their own. There is no right or wrong, good or bad, better or worse. This is a heartwarming story of self-acceptance and self-worth not based on anything other than loving yourself for all your faults and attributes alike.

Five years old is a tough age to navigate! Behavior that was acceptable as a preschooler is no longer allowed, but getting rid of old habits is not so easy. An exuberant little boy is having some difficulty controlling his temper, sitting quietly, taking turns, and generally acting, well, his age! The pictures capture the energy of a five year old boy to perfection. Kids will relate to his struggles and perhaps learn how to better manager their own outbursts after reading this funny story.

Barney Saltzberg, an acclaimed and prolific children's author and illustrator, collaborated with Jamie Lee Curtis on this adorable book about creativity. The two real-life friends were together one day when Jamie commented on her inability to draw. Barney reassured her that every single person has a creative spark. From there, Jamie began taking photographs of seemingly mundane objects. She sent them to Barney who, in turn, incorporated the objects into a drawings. Hence, a book was born!

Every child has experienced a sense of loss when accidentally releasing a balloon. Most of us can recall a strangely sadly feeling as we watched the colorful oval disappear high into the blue sky. This book by dream team Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell captures the whimsical nature of a balloon brought to life. The stranded child imagines what the beloved balloon is doing in its new life amongst the clouds and birds. A most magical book with a surprise ending that will melt your heart.

A tender, loving book about a little girl who finds happiness by listening to her adoption story. Her loving parents share with her the immediate love they felt the very first time they held her. This beautifully told story is about an adoption process that took parents on an airplane to a faraway place. While some of the details may differ, all of the important, universal emotions are captured in touching detail.

Learning new, grown-up words is turned into a lively activity in this funny book by dynamic duo Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell. A wild and crazy family celebrates the gift of language, including both little and big words, in this humorously illustrated picture book. Words like cooperate, patience, respect and considerate are not only practiced in speech, but also reinforced with actions. Kids will laugh out loud at the antics of the characters and pick up some new vocabulary words to use and practice along the way!

This meaningful book applies to so many people in various stages of their lives. The metaphor of a "human race" is put into play starting with babies in a nursery. The cherubs, preparing to embark on their life journey, are surrounded by clues that predict their futures. As the story progresses, characters are frantically running, criss-crossing, and chasing their dreams. All along, a young narrator asks questions about the human race, like when does it start and end, and whether or not there will be a coach. A valuable message about how we live our lives and love others is what it takes to win this race.

Through the eyes of a little girl or boy, mommies can climb any mountain and solve every problem! This darling book celebrates mothers everywhere by acknowledging all of things they do for their children. Baking cookies, waiting in the carpool line, and untangling kite strings are just some of the many ways she is there for her child. Most important of all, she loves her child unconditionally. A keepsake book that is perfect for baby showers, mother's day, a mother's birthday, or just to celebrate the special bond she shares with her child.
Frankie is a bright, energetic little girl who is eager to try lots of new things. For children young like Frankie, almost all of her activities are first experiences. She learns how to ride a bike, make new friends, and even take care of a dog. Some of her endeavors go smoothly, and others take her down a bumpy road full of mistakes and mishaps. The message for all readers is to be brave enough to experience all life has to offer.
It's hard not to laugh when a young child starts a sentence with "When I was little...". When you are only four, the prior year feels like ages ago. Such is the premise of this sweetly endearing story of a little girl who reflects on what life used to be like when she was much, much younger. Lots of things have changed, like graduating from a car seat and growing long hair. All of the milestones, big and small, are celebrated in this adorable book.
This book is a great conversation starter for kids who want to know more about their heritage. A teacher introduces the topic of emigration to her students by telling the story of her great-grandmother. Years ago, she was forced to pack only the belongings that would fit into a suitcase and leave her home country behind. This idea generates chatter amongst the children about what worldly possessions they would bring if faced with the same situation. A solid introduction to young readers to think about where they came from and their own family tree.

Even an old-fashioned mom isn't immune to the dangers of smart phone addiction. The kids in this story think it's time for their mom to get a cell phone, but they are not prepared for what happens next. Once she learns how to take a selfie, she quickly becomes consumed with posting every event in her life. In an ironic reversal of roles, the kids finally have to take the phone away from a mom so she can start living her life rather than recording it.
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