Old houses where spirits roam the hallways, lingering around instead of passing on to the otherworld, are the subject of nightmares. Horror movies centered around haunted houses serve up endless jump-scare moments where the living dead torture anyone who dares to take up residence.

Everything Kids Want to Know About Haunted Houses
Halloween is the time of year when old structures are converted into spooky attractions mimicking the real homes to unsettled spirits and ghosts. Reading stories about haunted houses is a fun way to learn more about what happens behind the rotting wood and broken glass. For inquisitive kids who want to know more about the abandoned, decrepit structures where unexplainable presences reside, here are some interesting facts.
(1) Not all haunted houses are filled with evil spirits.
Portland, Oregon is home to the Pittlock Mansion, imagined and designed by publishing magnate Henry Pittlock. The homeowners passed away shortly after construction was completed on this magnificent property. Visitors have observed windows closing, doors latching, and the movement of Henry Pittlock's portrait. Word on the street is that Henry and his wife, Georgiana continue to live in the lavish mansion, although they are reportedly very happy spirits.
(2) Homeowners selling a house must disclose if it is haunted.
In the some states, people are legally required to let prospective buyers know if the home is haunted. Specifically, in New York and New Jersey sellers must be up front with buyers about a home's reputation for being haunted or the detection of paranormal activity on the property.
(3) Walt Disney was the first to make a big profit.
The forward-thinking businessman pioneered the original, commercial haunted house using advanced technology to bring spirits to life. The wildly popular Haunted Mansion at Walt Disney World offers a creepy, interactive ride, sort of like an indoor rollercoaster, through a cold, dark mansion where creepy witches, ghosts, and other ghastly critters are patiently waiting.

(4) Carbon monoxide is the likely explanation for supposed hauntings.
When residents of older homes report problematic occurrences, like pets barking or meowing for no apparent reason or the sensation of being watched, it may sound like the house is haunted. Sometimes people think they see ghosts or hear footsteps even though no one else is in the house. In reality, carbon monoxide is often present, and this chemical can cause hallucinations. Furthermore, older homes usually have aged appliances that can bang, rattle, and make other frightening noises that sound a lot like a haunted spirit.
(5) The scariest haunted house in the United States is based in Summertown, Tennessee.
The owners of this freakishly frightening attraction vet out all visitors before giving them the go-ahead to enter McCamey Manor. First they must watch a two-hour video preparing them for the scare of a lifetime, and more importantly, giving them a chance to reconsider their decision to enter at all. Would-be guests also need to present a doctor's note declaring they are healthy enough, especially from a cardiac standpoint, to endure a lengthy period of overly stimulating frights. In addition, a 40-page waiver must be signed and proof of insurance presented. Just to prove the extreme level of fear the attraction generates, the owners have been known to reward $20,000 to anyone who successfully finishes the experience.
(6) In 1915, Orton and Spooner Ghost House was built as the very first commercial haunted house.
While haunted houses can be traced back to the 1800s, historians credit the Orton and Spooner Ghost House as the first official structure set up as a permanent, money-making attraction for thrill seekers. A man by the name of Patrick Collins built a small cottage in Liphook, England for the purpose of scaring customers in exchange for a small sum of money. This tiny house is full of huge frights all powered by steam.

(7) Haunted houses are a big and profitable industry.
Estimates indicate that the haunted house industry ranges anywhere from $300 million to $500 million every year, largely during the month of October with temporary attractions drawing in tourists for a Halloween thrill. Big commercially, operated venues can make about $2 to $3 million, while smaller sites can earn closer to $50,000. In the United States, there are an estimated 1,200 attractions run by businesses for the purposes of turning a profit. An additional 2,000 haunted houses pop up each season to support local charities. For these locales, guests are asked for donations in exchange for a few minutes of entertaining jump scares.
(8) The Amityville Horror House is the most famous house invaded by paranormal activity.
In 1924, a beautiful 4,100 square foot home was built at 112 Ocean Avenue, Amityville, NY. A tragedy that took place five decades later forever changed the fate of this house. Robert DeFeo Jr. killed six family members in 1974 inside these four walls, for which he went on to serve a prison sentence until he passed away in 2021. When the Lutz family moved into the home a year later, they lasted a short 28 days before fleeing due to relentless, terrorizing paranormal activity. A number of books and films have shared the haunting story with audiences brave enough to endure the spine-tingling reports of ghosts. To this day, tourists seek out the house, perhaps in search of an encounter with a lingering spirit. The home has been renovated and the address changed to 108 Ocean Avenue in hopes of tricking all the people who flock to the site.
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