Cynthia Rylant's touching picture book about the afterlife of dogs has been bringing comfort to people for decades. This is the perfect gift for anyone who has recently lost a furry companion. Sooner or later, children start to ask questions about what happens when a person dies. Dog Heaven by Cynthia Rylant is a wonderful book that many parents will find helpful and children will find reassuring.

Children's Book About a Pet Going to Heaven
It’s important to mention that the book addresses the role god and angels play in creating a heaven that is perfect for dogs. Otherwise, there are no specific religious overtones or beliefs. In fact, the heaven described in the story sounds almost like a child’s description of the best imaginary playground for dogs. Whether a children experiences the death of a beloved dog, friend, or family member, or just starts to inquire in general terms, it is rarely an easy topic to talk about with someone so young.

Dog Heaven is full of fields, lakes, and biscuits falling like raindrops, shaped like the kitty-cats and squirrels dogs love to chase. Fluffy of clouds make the perfect pillows for resting after a long day of playing. And when the dogs miss their owners, they pay a secret visit just to make sure their previous home and family members are doing well.

Reading Cynthia Rylant’s whimsical depiction of a dog’s life after crossing over the rainbow bridge is a pleasant way to address the questions of inquisitive young minds. The author’s first endeavor as a picture-book painter is also a successful one. The child-like illustrations in primary colors create a light, playful tone. Children and adults alike will also appreciate the gentle, upward-sloping pictures which give the reader a sense of floating or rising above.

Overall, Dog Heaven is a great book that parents can use to address death in positive terms. It portrays a fun-filled eternal life for dogs, perfect for assuaging children who are upset, anxious or simply curious about death.

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