
9 Frisky Cat Facts For Kids

Cats are fascinating animals and they are really incredible pets for many reasons. They are self-sufficient when it comes to taking care of business. All pet owners need to do is clean the litter box periodically. Also, they don't tend to overeat, so you can leave them alone for long periods of time by simply leaving out a sufficient food supply and access to water. Kids will love reading all kinds of fun facts about cats and their lifestyle. 


Life and Behavior of Cats 

Cats do like to cuddle periodically, but are very independent and don't get anxious when left alone. Children's books about catsgive readers a sneak peak at the mischief they cause when their owners go away for awhile. They are very clean animals who take care of their own hygiene by licking away dirt and debris. All of these behaviors are common knowledge amongst cat owners. Here are some other interesting facts about the behavior of cats, including how they communicate and express emotions, for feline-loving kids.

(1) When a cat rubs up against you, it can be a sign of affection.

However, there is an ulterior motive that is not so obvious. They are marking you as territory using the scent glands around their face, base of their tails, and paws. Sometimes, though, they are simply showing their affection  or looking for some attention.

(2) Whiskers may look pretty cute, but they provide an important sensory aid.

For example, a cat uses its whiskers to determine if it can fit through a small space. The larger the animal, the longer its whiskers. These whiskers are not only on a cat's face, but also on the underside of the lower foreleg. They help a cat navigate safely in the dark. The whiskers bend when they come in contact with a solid objects and signal the cat to avoid collision.

(3) Creme Puff holds a place in the Guinness World Records for the longest living cat.

He was born in 1967 and passed away in 2005, living a whopping 38 years. This mixed tabby lived with his owner in Austin Texas. When asked about the secret to longevity, Jake Perry said that a small serving of red wine was a key factor in the cat's healthy circulation. Also, in addition to dry cat food, the beloved feline was served turkey bacon, eggs, and broccoli from time to time.


(4) Females are capable of producing up to 180 offspring over the course of their entire lives.

A cat can have around 3 litters per year, with each litter delivering an average of 4 kittens. Also, female cats can reproduce for the duration of their lives, which is generally between 12 and 15 years.

(5) About 200 feral cats wander around Disneyland.

They have the important job of keeping the rodent population under control. In return for their services, the Disney staff provide them with food, medical care, and shelter they access through secret cat doors around the park.

(6) Cats have almost 100 different vocalizations to express themselves.

Meowing is a sound these domesticated animals developed to exclusively communicate with people. They purr to engage with humans, looking for any form of attention from stroking to playing. Other common sounds made by cats include hissing or growling, a clear indicator that they are angry, annoyed, or threatened. 


(7) If you want to befriend a kitty, never look it directly in the eyes.

If meeting a new cat, you can meet its gaze briefly but then turn your eyes away. They perceive making eye contact with a human (or other animal) as challenging, and may turn aggressive in response to the perceived threat. Some experts suggest blinking slowly while making eye contact as a way to communicate friendliness.

(8) The richest feline in the world was reportedly worth $13 million.

Maria Assunta left her entire fortune to Tomasso when she died in 2011. The widow of an Italian real estate tycoon rescued the cat who became her constant companion. With no children to inherit her multi-million dollar estate, the 94 year old left a sizable portfolio including properties in Rome and Milan. A nurse who had been caring for Assunta, with no knowledge of her wealth, assumed responsibility for ensure the cat was cared for until the end of its life.

(9) The longest domestic cat in history measured 48.5 inches long.

A Maine Coon cat by the name of Mymains Stewart Gilligan, or Stewie for short, has held the Guinness Book Record since he passed away in 2013. The gentle cat spent his free time as a therapy animal visiting seniors in old age homes. He called Nevada home where he was lovingly cared for by Robin Hendrickson. Living just 8 years, the beloved cat succumbed to cancer, but not after touching hundreds of live by both his loving nature and his astronomical length.



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