
7 Quirky Cow Facts For Kids

If you ask kids to tell you everything they know about cows, chances are they will not be able to come with a whole lot of information beyond the fact that they produce milk, live on farms, and say Moo! Here are some cool cow facts to share with your little ones next time you are reading a story about these interesting animals.


Everything Kids Want to Learn About Cows

Tons of children's books about cows tell funny stories about their lives with farm animal friends. Yet unless a kid's book collection includes non-fiction books, chances are they don't know much about how these animals socialize, think, respond to stimuli, and view the world around them.

(1) Cows have high emotional intelligence. 

Cows form relationships with their peers and spend the most time with their favorites. They primarily rely on their sense of smell to guide and develop relationships. Cows are even sensitive to the emotional state of others cows. In fact, they can smell the stress hormone in the urine of other bovines. These animals also are known to hold grudges against others in the herd or humans who have hurt them. Their keen sense of memory steers them away from others who are perceived as unfriendly.

(2) Cows have 20,000 taste buds.

A highly developed sense of taste ensures that they are consuming foods with the required caloric content while steering clear of toxic vegetation. Cows dislike the bitter taste most commonly associated with poisonous plants. They love the taste of sweet food that boosts their daily calorie count.These beasts also love salty snacks that keep their electrolytes in balance.

(3) They have amazing spatial memory.

Animals that graze for food have an uncanny ability to navigate mazes and other spatial navigation activities. They remember how to find watering holes, can track previous migration routes, and easily make their way back to newborn calves. Cows can always find their way back to a favorite grazing spot, even if they have been sold off at auction and moved to a farm in the far distance. They always manage to return to their favorite pasture.



(4) The term "cow" only refers to females.

But before they have their first baby, the appropriate term for a female is "heifer". Males are called steer or bulls. Interestingly, cow is not a word reserved exclusively for cattle. Other female animals that can also be referred to as cows include whales, moose, elephants, and sea lions!

(5) Cows have always been vegetarians.

They have unique, four-compartment stomachs with rumen bacteria that allow them to digest a wide variety of plant by-products. As physiological herbivores, cows are not able to tolerate meat except in very small quantities. Cows who consume meat are prone to health problems, including Mad Cow Disease. If infected, they have difficulty rising, develop bad posture, produce less milk, and develop changes in temperament like nervousness and aggression.   

(6) Cows love to play with toys and friends.

Animal behaviorists have observed cattle engaging in play with a variety of objects, including balls that they love to swat around. Like dogs, some have even been known to play fetch with humans. When calves are kept in spacious quarters together, they interact much like siblings through play fighting. This type of activity is especially present when calves are not separated from their mothers at birth, signifying a sense of happiness and security.

(7) Craven Heifer, who lived from 1807 to 18012, is the heaviest cow to ever live.

This is one world record that seems unlikely to ever be broken. Fed a seemingly endless supply of food, Craven ballooned to an astonishing 4,370 pounds. The cow, who lived on an estate in England, stood over 11 feet tall and 7 feet long. The likely motivation for overfeeding the animal was to parade it around the countryside for attention from all who gathered around to set eyes on the gigantic beast. Unfortunately, Craven's life was cut short by at least 10 years due to obesity.


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