
Riveting Facts About Groundhogs

Groundhogs are elusive critters that many kids may mistakenly believe are nocturnal since sightings are somewhat uncommon. These critters prefer to live a life of solitude, only coming out to eat or mate. Timid by nature, especially of humans, they poke their heads up to scan for potential threats before emerging from their safe space underground. In fact, kids will find it interesting to learn that they are likely sharing their yard with these animals, whose presence is usually only detected with the telltale sign of a bumpy trail across the property. Here are some fascinating facts about groundhogs to share with little ones next time they suspect a shy creature has made its home out back.


Information About the Life and Behavior of Woodchucks

If you ask most people what they know about woodchucks, they will probably mention the animal's namesake holiday. Children's books about Groundhog Day weave interesting information about this animal throughout funny stories about the weather. They may also mention that they burrow underground and prefer not to be seen. Due to the elusive behavior of these critters, that's usually where the knowledge ends. Well, here is some more intriguing information about the habitat, lifestyle, diet, reproduction, behavior, and role groundhogs play in their environment.


(1) Groundhogs are usually about twice the size of a newborn human baby.

On average, they are two feet long and weigh anywhere from 5 to 13 pounds. Their weight varies significantly depending on the time of the year. When these animals emerge from hibernation in early spring, they are in an emaciated state at only about 5 pounds. By fall, after enjoying several months of eating their hearts out, groundhogs tip the scale at 13 pounds. For comparison purposes, groundhogs are about the size of an average domestic cat.

(2) They don't live very long, with an average lifespan of 3 to 6 years.

Groundhogs often fall victim to predators since they don't have a very strong defense system. Once they come out of hiding, there are endless, hungry animals waiting to pounce. Some of these include owls, hawks, coyotes, and foxes. Households with large dogs will occasionally be surprised that their pet killed a groundhog on the property. Also, vehicles are largely responsible for hitting groundhogs, as evidenced by remains spotted by the side of the road. When groundhogs live in captivity, protected from all the hazards that surround them in the wild, they can live up to 14 years.

(3) During warm seasons, these animals consume over 1 pound of vegetation every day.

When they go into hibernation, groundhogs last 150 days without eating a thing. But when they come out of hiding, the ravenous herbivores devour almost every type of vegetation within reach. Some of their favorite foods include dandelions, alfalfa, grasses, and clover. Gardeners particularly dislike the time of year when groundhogs invade their crop, like berries, corn, apples, lettuce, carrots, and just about everything else. They feed during the day, over a two-hour window, before stealthily retreating back into hiding.

(4) They are excellent at digging long, complex mazes underground, otherwise called burrowing.

This is the only way they can survive the predatory behavior of other animals. Groundhogs are notoriously slow so running from their enemies is not an option. Fortunately, they are well-equipped to dig long burrows, spanning 40 to 60 feet. They use their sharp claws to loosen the dirt, which they then remove from the underground tunnel with their mouths to deposit at one of the entry or exit points. As time passes, the dirt mound gets covered in leaves or grass, making it almost undetectable.

(5) Woodchucks take long winter naps.

Their hibernation period spans close to five months, beginning in late fall and ending at the start of spring. During this lengthy nap, body temperatures drop to 38 degrees Fahrenheit and heart rate falls to about 4 beats a minute. While the large majority of this time is spent in a sleep state, groundhogs do occasionally emerge to relieve themselves or take brief walk, only to quickly retreat into a deep slumber. The food they consumed during the spring and summer months is enough to sustain them during the cold winter months where they stay burrowed in dens.



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