Having a cheery outlook on life one hundred percent of the time is difficult for even the most positive kids. Seeing the world through rose-colored glasses is a nice concept albeit not realistic or sustainable at all time. So it's only normal for children, and adults, to call attention to something they perceive to be negative. And more often than not, it is done in a whiny tone of voice that can get on your nerves. Reading to children books that address whining and complaining all of the time may be just the right solution to nip this problem in the bud.
Teachers and parents recommend this funny book about an old curmudgeon whose attitude stinks. His name, Mr. Complain, sums up his perspective no matter how pleasant or exciting his surroundings. A train ride offering a plethora of awe-inspiring views, from mountains to volcanoes, it not enough to turn his frown upside down. After all, the engine is noisy, the seats are lumpy, and there are far too many passengers.
Picture Books About Characters Who Complain
There are lots of reasons why kids gripe about their present circumstances, sometimes with legitimate reason. It could be that they are tired or hungry. Or perhaps they are in a situation that is uncomfortably long or boring. Sometimes it is really important to acknowledge a child's grievances and even rectify the situation, when possible. The emotional wellbeing of a little one needs to be supported by loving parents and caregivers. Yet there is a careful balance to strike between trying to appease a little one versus demanding an attitude adjustment. When kids expect to get their way in every circumstance, it may be time to read some good children's books about characters who complain too much. These stories cover a the gamut of triggers that lead to children complaining, including feelings of jealousy, inflexibility, negativity, and other social/emotional issues.
Books to Read Kids Who Whine Too Much
Complaining is elevated to a whole new level when the tone of voice sounds like whining. There is nothing more irritating than listening to a child spout off a list of grievances in a nagging manner. Sometimes the child is raising a legitimate issue that can be addressed or is simply grumbling for no apparent reason. Parents can help by trying to identify the root cause, perhaps due to feeling left out or ignored, and provide direction for how to better express the concern. Picture books featuring protagonists who whine can be helpful tools since they take the attention off the child. Discussing the situations that arise in these stories removes the emotional context and allows for a more productive conversation about how to eliminate excessive whining.
Carl the Complainer
Part of a popular social sciences series, this story is all about how to transform complaints into action. Carl has some serious grievances about issues he witnesses all around him. He has no shortage of words about everything that is wrong, and then one day he realizes that it's time to make some changes. A solid book about encouraging kids to take action and make a difference in the world.
The Unbudgeable Curmudgeon
The definition of curmudgeon is a bad-tempered person, especially one who is old. In this award-winning picture book, the grump is actually the brother of a little girl who has had enough of his negativity. She pleads, bribes, and begs her siblings to shake off his bad mood, but he will not budge. Not even a plate of brownies will stop the boy from complaining. An engaging story of tug-of-war between happy and angry personas filled with colorful wordplay.
Winner Don't Whine and Whiners Don't Win
Everyone knows a kid like Wendell. In fact, perhaps you see a bit of him in a lot of people. No matter what the circumstance, competition, or game, this boy must come out on top. If not, he cries, whines, and pitches a big fit. Through dramatic pictures full of emotion, the story unfolds into a highly relatable, albeit humorous, depiction of life with a whiner. When a wise mother steps in with some sage advice about how losing with dignity can be even better than winning, Wendell changes his ways.
Sam and the Sticky Situation: A Book About Whining
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree- an expression that rings true in a story about the effects of reinforcing negative behavior. What begins as a tiny habit grows into a monstrosity when Sam learns, from his mother, that he gets what he wants when he whines. In order to quickly appease him, the doting mom gives in to his every whim until it culminates into a disastrous situation. A humorous take on a serious problem that requires both Sam and his mother to do some reflection.
Wesley Whines
Wesley can never see life in a positive light. Everywhere he goes and everything he experiences is a negative. And he makes it his mission that everyone knows exactly how he feels. A helpful story for preschoolers who will learn that whining doesn't win friends.
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
A timeless, classic picture book by Judith Viorst that belongs on every child's bookshelf. From the moment Alexander wakes up until the time we settles back into bad for the night, everything that could possibly go wrong does. Tripping, spilling, dropping, losing, and breaking are just a few of the many bad things that happen. A grey cloud is hanging over his head, and Alexander is sure to let everyone know about it.
The Grumpy Pirate
Grumpiness exudes from a pirate who is simply never happy about a single thing. In a story that will resonate with preschoolers full of gripes, this pirate is sick and tired of everything- from getting dressed in uncomfortable clothing to doing his daily chores. When he is gifts a parrot who mirrors his negativity, he gets a taste of his own medicine and realizes that his attitude stinks.
There, There
A miserable, grumpy rabbit is not happy about his lot in life and he is not shy about letting everyone know. His best bear friend has lost his patience with the constant stream of negativity spewing from the rabbit's mouth. His solution? To give him a peak at the muddy circumstances of a squiggly worm who happens to have a very sunny outlook.
Squish Squash Squished
A hilarious tale starring a mom with a clever solution to hushing her kids who are constantly airing their grievances. Rather than fixing their problems, she takes the opposite approach by making things worse. As the story goes, the family piles into the car for a road trip. And, like many others, they have barely begun their journey before the little ones in the back seat start quarreling over space. The solution- pile in all the pets and every other animal that crosses their path- is both brilliant and effective.
Penguin Problems
A funny story about how the grass isn't always greener, especially in Antarctica. A not-so-plucky penguin decides to run far away from his problems. Sick and tired of his current life, he chooses to start over somewhere else instead of dealing with his problems. Off he heads to cold, lawless land where anything goes. And what he learns is that the same problems, actually bigger problems, follow him in his desperate attempt to escape.
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