An engaging, rhyming story that directly addresses the emotional turmoil a child experiences when left out of social activities. Cute illustrations appeal to young readers who are just learning how to cope with feelings of loneliness. The story stresses the importance of making a variety of friends and provides tips to handle conflict.
Children's Books About Being Excluded
A challenging albeit important part of growing up is learning how to cope with feeling excluded from social groups. Kids will naturally feel sad when they don't receive an invitation to a classmate's birthday party or are not included in an impromptu sleepover or playdate. It's normal for a lonely little one to shed a tear or two when peers get together, whether they are intentionally leaving the child out or not. Reading children's books about being excluded is an excellent way to start a conversation about feeling left out. The best stories feature characters who are going through the same emotional rollercoaster and learn valuable tools to deal with negative social behaviors. Be sure to check out award-winning picture books by Kevin Henkes that cover a wide range of social and emotional challenges, especially around feeling neglected by peers.

Books for Kids Who Do Not Fit In With Others
Getting kids to open up about feeling lonely when friends leaven them out of social activities is not always easy. It's not uncommon for little ones to bury their feelings or retreat from social interactions when they have been treated unkindly and are feeling sad. Some kids react by behaving poorly, getting snappy with their parents, or neglecting responsibilities. A good strategy for parents is to gather together the best kids' books about not fitting in with others. By reading a variety of good stories together about characters who struggle socially, kids will be encouraged to talk about their own experiences.
Daniel Feels Left Out
Daniel Tiger unexpectedly runs into some friends on the way home from running an errand with his father. Owl and Kittycat had been played together the entire afternoon and appeared to be having a lot of fun. Daniel feels left out since he had not been invited to join them. With the comfort of his mother and father, he learns to accept that he will not always be included in everything. An easy-reader book for kids who will learn a valuable lesson about friendship.

The Invisible Boy
A must-read picture book for every child who has ever experienced a feeling of loneliness and neglect around other kids. This is the story of a boy named Brian who never receives invitations to parties, is never picked for sports teams, and is generally ignored by all of his schoolmates. Everything changes with the arrival of Justin, a brand new student who immediately forms a friendship with Brian. The boys bring out the best in each other and finally receive recognition from others.

Owly: The Way Home
A heartwarming graphic novel about a kind owl who is always helping others. The only problem is that most of the critters he encounters are afraid of him. No matter how gentle and friendly Owl behaves, the others will never be his friend. Then one day Owl meets Wormy, another lonely fellow in need of some companionship. The two strike up a special friendship full of new adventures together. An endearing book that strikes the right note for kids who have a hard time making friends.

Strictly No Elephants
A gentle story about having compassion for others who do not fit the mold. A little boy is determined to join the Pet Club even though the rules explicitly state that elephants are not allowed. While the rationale for this rule may seem obvious, the truth is that not all elephants are enormous in stature. In fact, one particular pet elephant is smaller than most of the other domesticated animals. Though creative problem-solving, the boy presents an opportunity that includes everyone, no matter what their pets may be. A simple and accessible story that invites discussion around the importance of inclusion and not judging others by appearance.
Two Speckled Eggs
Lyla has never fit in with the other girls at school. She's quite shy and some say she smells a bit funny. As the odd girl out, Lyla has grown accustomed to being all by herself. When her schoolmate, Ginger, invites all the kids in the class to her birthday party, Lyla is the first to arrive. Ginger is at first hesitant to embrace Lyla's friendship. When the other girls arrive and the party doesn't go according to plan, Lyla proves to be the most loyal, supportive girl by Ginger's side.
Extraordinary Jane
Sometimes kids feel excluded simply because they are different from their friends. This gentle story about a circus dog will resonate with readers who have always wanted to belong to a group. Jane is an ordinary pup who is part of a traveling circus filled with animals possessing extraordinary talents. She loves her circus family, but Jane does not believe she adds any value to the performance. A kindly ringmaster teaches her that sometimes just being plain ordinary is an exceptional gift.

The Lonely Book
This lovely story tugs at the heartstrings of anyone who has ever felt neglected or forgotten. A brand new book arrives at the library and quickly becomes a favorite. As time passes, the popularity of the book fades and soon it is collecting dust on the bookshelf. Eventually the sad title is relegated to the dark basement alongside the other lonely books. When the sweet book eventually finds a new home with a little girl, its spirit is renewed. Lots of relatable life lessons in this darling book.

Say Hello
Simple drawings capture the essence of a lonely boy watching a bunch of other kids playing a ball game. He grows even more forlorn when he observes an energetic dog join in the fun. No one seems to notice him quietly sitting by himself. Eventually someone says hello to him and the power of this single word to transform his mood is palpable.
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Books About Social and Emotional Development