foster child

7 Comforting Children's Books About Foster Care

We Love You Hundreds and Thousands: A Children's Picture Book About Foster Care and Adoption

We Love You Hundreds and Thousands: A Children's Picture Book About Foster Care

The author of this book, an adoptee herself, delivers a powerful message of love and acceptance for kids growing up in foster care or adopted by a family.  Jasmine invites readers to all of her birthday parties where she is surrounded by a diverse, and sometimes different, group of family members who love her. This picture book about adoption is a helpful resource in homes and classrooms to facilitate open conversation about the different ways families are formed.

foster family

Kids' Picture Books About Living With Foster Families

Children living in foster homes, just like all other kids, deserve unconditional love and support. Due to very emotionally complicated history, foster care kids can be overwhelmed with feelings of fear, distrust, and insecurity. Helping these children thrive in foster homes requires the support of teachers, therapists, case workers, foster parents, foster siblings, and just about everyone else with whom they interact on a regular basis. Children's books about foster care are wonderful tools for all involved to open the communication channel. All caregivers should have access to picture books with characters who are adjusting to life with new foster parents. These books will help kids understand that many of their emotions and feelings are very common. Some related stories about adoption are also valuable to read, especially for kids transitioning from foster care into a permanent family.


Two Ways Home: A Foster Care Journey

Two Ways Home: A Foster Care Journey

Readers will enjoy the perspective of ten-year-old Levi, a little boy who lives with a foster family. He is just one member of a very busy, active, tight-knit family who all care for him. Although it was scary moving into this new home, he has found the environment to be very supportive. Levi also receives help from his therapist and case worker. Watercolor illustrations add a sunny tone to this sensitive subject. There is also a series of questions and answers in the back that will help open communication with foster children and their families.

 No Matter What: A Foster Care Tale

No Matter What: A Foster Care Tale

A touching and relatable story for children who are in foster care. Josh is a squirrel who is sick and tired of bouncing from home to home. No matter where he lands- with the snakes, the otters, the pelicans, and many other animal species- none of these families is right for him. Josh makes his sentiments known through his bad behavior and each animal family sends him away. All of this changes when Josh finds himself in the company of elephants, big beasts known for their loyalty, love, and patience. An inspiring look at foster care without sugarcoating the reality of life in the system.



 Home for A While

Home for a While

A little boy named Calvin has been shuffled around a number of foster homes. He desperately wants to find a permanent place where he can learn to love and trust. When he moves in with Maggie, an experienced foster mother, he finally receives the comfort and love that that always been missing.



Foster Care: One Dog's Story of Change

Foster Care: One Dog's Story of Change

Miss Beulah is a caring foster mother to several critters who have lived lives full of uncertainty. Each one has a different background and history, but they all share a need for stability and security in a loving home. This story is primarily about a dog, aptly named Foster, who has moved around from home to home. He is filled with a wide range of emotions, like anger, fear, guilt and sadness. Foster finds comfort knowing that he is not the only one with these feelings, especially the desire to have permanent parents and a place to call his forever home.


 Maybe Days: A Book for Children in Foster Care

Maybe Days: A Book for Children in Foster Care

A lengthy, direct guide helpful for older children going into foster care for the first time. "Maybe" is a word that is the frequent response to questions kids ask, for there are very few certainties in their lives. This book paints a realistic picture of what life for kids who don't know where or when they will find a permanent home. The books addresses many of the issues that arise in foster care as well as the responsibilities of all the people involved, including lawyers, social workers, judges, and foster parents. This is a useful book for children mature enough to understand the complexity of their situation.



 The Great Gilly Hopkins

The Great Gilly Hopkins

A classic Newbery Honor Book, National Book Award Winner, and best-selling chapter book about an 11 year old girl who has been living in foster care for most of her life. A realistic look at the behavior of a bright child with a behavior problem who needs a forever family. Her final family is so strange that she formulates a plan to reunite with her birth mother as a last ditch effort. In a surprising turn of events, this story tugs at the heartstrings and delivers a satisfying ending.

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