
12 Reassuring Kids' Books About Asthma

When a young child is diagnosed with asthma, it can be difficult to figure out how to effectively communicate the seriousness without causing unnecessary fear. They need to live as carefree as possible but also keep their health condition in mind. Doctors will remind kids to keep their inhaler within reach, and if so, they can almost always effectively control an attack. Reading children's books about asthma can help educate a little one, provide reassurance, and give them the confidence they need to manage their condition. 

the lion who had asthma

The Lion Who Had Asthma

Sean is a little boy with a big imagination. He especially likes to pretend he's a lion in the jungle. But sometimes when he roars, he starts to cough, loses his breath, and has a full-blown asthma attack. Fortunately, his family is there with the treatment he needs and Sean can once again resume playing. For every asthmatic child living in fear, this book provides reassurance and comfort.

Books Teach Children How to Manage Asthma

It's important read stories that are gentle yet do not sugarcoat the disease. There are certain triggers that parents can identify ahead of time, like when a child has a viral infection or or exposed to tobacco smoke. But many environmental factors, like dust mites, pollen or mold, can sometimes cause a scary reaction. All of this can feel very overwhelming to a young child. All of these stories about characters with asthma will help little ones understand more about their condition and what they can do to stay safe. Children will also learn this common medical problem can be easily managed with medication, as well as natural alternatives, like practicing yoga, which has been proven to help manage symptoms. Add some non-iction asthma picture books to your child's  list as well, for practical knowledge that will empower them next time they sense the onset of an attack.

i have asthma what does that mean

I Have Asthma, What Does That Mean?

Adorable, smiling faces fill the pages of this uplifting children's book about asthma. One little boy carries around his inhaler and has to use a nebulizer. With the support of his parents and his doctor, he understands that asthma is both controllable and treatable. Readers will enjoy seeing the character participating in a variety of activities and living a very active life. They will also learn what happens during an asthma attack, and why it is nothing to be embarrassed about.

taking asthma to school

Taking Asthma to School

Asthma is a condition that children should talk openly about with their teachers and classmates. It is important that kids feel comfortable answering questions about the disease, especially when their friends see the nebulizers or wonder why they get out of breath so easily. This book is a great one to share during story time at school. It provides a lot of valuable information and will help open a discussion about the disease. A page in the back provides tips for teachers to talk about this medical condition to their students.

all about asthma

All About Asthma

A very pragmatic, accessible book all about asthma. This helpful title provides information about triggers, like illness or exercise, as well as treatment options to manage the symptoms. Large photographs and info graphics are paired with useful medical explanations and guidance. Readers will learn that millions of kids suffering from breathing disorders live healthy, active lifestyles.

the abcs of asthma

The ABC's of Asthma

Kids will learn all about asthma by reading this fun, cartoonish book. Each letter of the alphabet corresponds with a term associated with the condition. Active, happy characters add to the fun, upbeat message. The clear message is that it does not have to interfere with all the activities kids enjoy.

my first aid guide to asthma

Asthma and Allergies

This selection is chock full of helpful diagrams and scientific information. Readers will learn that the condition is very common, and some lucky ones actually outgrow it. Age appropriate explanations about what to look for and how to help someone who is experiencing a medical emergency. Large photographs of real people using inhalers and nebulizers are useful references.

abby's asthma and the big race

Abby's Asthma and the Big Race

Abby is determined not to let asthma get in her way of running in a big race. Sometimes wheezing and coughing interferes with her training, and a bully named Jason makes matters worse by teasing her. His mean behavior only makes her more focused on winning. So with the help of her parents and doctor, Abby manages her condition through medicine and breathing exercises. When race day finally arrives, will Abby beat Jason to the finish line? Readers will be cheering her on as she runs a speedy race despite having asthma.

the great katie kate offers answers about asthma

The Great Katie Kate Offers Answers About Asthma

The Great Katie Kate is a special kind of superhero. She whisks some kids away from the waiting room at the allergy doctor and takes them on an epic journey through the human body. During this exciting adventure, Katie Kate teaches them about how their bodies work, what triggers asthma attacks, and how they can effectively treat their condition. When they return, the children feel empowered with this new information and no longer worry.

brianna breathes easy

Brianna Breathes Easy: A Story About Asthma

Brianna is proud that she landed the lead role in her school's Thanksgiving play. But when a small cough grows increasingly worse during rehearsal, Brianna is forced to take a break. Someone calls for an ambulance to take her to the hospital where she is greeted by a warm and friendly doctor. He diagnosis her with asthma, explains the condition, and teaches her how she can manage it. In no time at all, Brianna is back on stage and ready for the performance of a lifetime! Folksy art combined with an upbeat tone will make little asthmatic readers feel better about their own condition.

i have asthma

I Have Asthma

This is the story of a little boy who has asthma that is induced by overactivity. When he plays soccer and participates in other sports, sometimes he experiences an asthma attack. This lengthy story teaches kids with asthma that they can do anything they want. But they need to sometimes slow down and be sure to take care of their health. There is not a lot of medical or scientific information, so consider reading this book along with a non-fiction title about the disease.

danny defeats asthma

Danny Defeats Asthma

A little boy, Danny, loves to play with friends and especially enjoys karate. He has a lot of friends, but has to deal with one particular bully. His name is Gilly and he constantly teases Danny for being of out breath and using a nebulizer. Gilly is in both Danny's class at school and at martial arts. With the karate championship right around the corner, Danny is whisked away on an imaginary journey to Japan where he learns from the masters. Maybe he can finally defeat his bully in a karate match and put a stop to the mean behavior.

how to deal with asthma 

How to Deal With Asthma

A very helpful, easy-to-understand book that explains what happens to the body during an asthma attack. Readers learn that they can live very active lives, like playing sports and exercising. However, it is important to manage the disease as best as possible. This children's asthma book provides tips for staying healthy and covers the importance keeping inhaler on hand at all times. Photographs of real kids living with this medical problem will make little readers feel less alone.

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Valuable Books for Kids With Medical Conditions

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