These tiny dogs pack a punch with their high energy and demanding personalities. Owners love the lap dogs for their loyalty, although most admit that daily exercise and lots of playtime at home are necessary. Their six pound bodies stretching just about a foot long make them the perfect size for people who live in small homes or apartments where space is limited. Children's books about chihuahuas feature these miniature pets with gigantic personalities.

The most famous chihuahua starring in children's books is, in fact, really a cat. He identifies as a dog prefers to be called El Skippito, a Mexican sword-fighter with a flair for fantasy. Part of a 14-book bestselling series, this very first installment is an action-packed, rhyming jaunt told through the eyes of a feline with a wild imagination. This story will resonate with every kid who likes to throw on a costume and be someone else every once in awhile.

Children's Picture Books Featuring Chihuahuas
Chihuahuas prefer warmer temperatures, demonstrate high mental acuity, and are extremely athletic. Owners love the fierce loyalty demonstrated by the diminutive breed that is one of the most famous lap dogs. Families with young children need to think twice about adopting a rescue dog or acquiring one from a breeder. Their temperament is better suited for adult-only homes or those with older kids due to their territorial nature and dislike for rough and tumble play time. Consider other options, like mild-mannered poodles whose larger stature and patient disposition is better for little ones. If you are thinking about a new dog, reading children books about chihuahuas may make you think twice about whether to look in a different direction. The funny stories shine on the hyperactive, high maintenance, and ferocious nature of these tiny dogs that are not afraid to bite.

Poor Louie
A hilarious look at the life of a chihuahua that is upended when tiny new humans join the family. Louie is used to being the center of the home, the apple of his owners' eyes. Daily walks, organized playdates, warm food, and a snuggly place in bed every night make for a wonderful life. But all of that changes when newborn twins displace the furry member, who no longer enjoys a spoiled lifestyle. Cartoonish illustrations capture the variety of emotions of a pooch who has been kicked to the curb.

The Night of the Chipmunk
Part of the Branches book series - short chapter books for beginners - this installment takes readers on a trip to Acorn Island. An enthusiastic family's vacation may just be ruined by a menacing chipmunk who is unhappy about their arrival, and pulls no punches when it comes to sabotaging their stay. The shenanigans are staged to look like the chihuahua's, putting the feisty dog in a position to both fend off the threat while defending his reputation. A 96- page story with funny pictures that accompany leveled text for new, independent readers.

Twenty four pages are packed with fun facts and cute pictures of the smallest dog in the world. Readers will be interested in learning that their small heads have big brains, making them highly trainable. But sometimes their high intellect can also spell trouble. Kids will find out that this breed prefers warmer weather, so on cold days it is necessary to bundle up the tiny companions in warm clothing before heading out for a stroll.

Skippyjon Jones in the Doghouse
The cat with identity issues is back in another hilarious story. This time a group of real chihuahuas are making all kinds of noise about an unwanted intruder. A stranger has taken over the doghouse, and they need Skippjon Jones to save them. Spanish phrases are woven throughout an action-packed story that plays out through the imagination of a spirited cat. The irony is that the chihuahua wannabe is the one who is actually in the doghouse- placed in time out for his poor behavior- and the story is simply a figment of his imagination to help him pass the time.

Awesome Dogs: Chihuahuas
A hardcover book filled with close-up photos and packed with valuable information about chihuahuas. It's a great companion title to read along with fictional stories that may not always represent the breed accurately. Kids will get a bit of history lesson about how this dog was bred. They will also learn some quirky facts, like their loyalty to just one person in the family. Readers will get a kick out of the portability of these tiny pets that fit neatly inside a purse, ready to run errands glued to the owner's body.
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