child yoga mat

Essential Yoga Props For Kids

breathing exercise cards for kids
Breathing Exercise Cards for Kids
More than 30 breathing techniques are presented on these sturdy cards. The realistic illustrations guide children through each of the breathing exercises. There are so many valuable ways these cards can improve a child's physical and mental wellbeing. For example, they can be used to reduce anxiety, improve focus, and calm children down before bedtime.

child exercise yoga ball

Children's Yoga Props to Get Started

Practicing yoga benefits children in so many ways. Instructors recommend that parents invest in a few inexpensive items to get their children started. With just a small investment, a corner of a room can be converted into a comfortable space with everything a child needs to begin practicing. Compared to the cost of joining a studio or paying for a gym membership, these props are a worthwhile expenditure that will give kids the flexibility to go through the poses, breathing techniques, and meditation any time they feel inspired. It's also a good idea to gather children's yoga books to read before going down this path. The characters share their own journey and all the ways yoga has helped them become stronger both physically and mentally.

mom and daughter yoga


  • Yoga Pose Cards: There are so many good options available that provide excellent visual and written instruction for kids to complete an entire set of yoga poses. Pictures of the various positions provide excellent clues for kids to follow. During the beginning, kids will likely not be able to perfectly align their bodies with the pictures. That is okay as long as they are not in danger of injuring themselves or pulling a muscle. Initially kids just need to get their bodies into the general position, and then over time they can work to perfect their technique. There are lots of great yoga pose cards for kids, like a popular best-selling activity deck called Yoga Pretzels, which include fifty poses on sturdy cards. Games and other activities are included in this deck. 
  • Children's Yoga Mats: One of the best things about yoga is that it can be done just about anywhere without a lot of expensive equipment. A flat surface, comfortable clothing, and a mat are the only things necessary to work through a series of yoga poses. But if you are so inclined to add a little fun to your child's yoga routine, kids' yoga mats with bold colors, fun characters, and designs appeal to little kids. Mats with unicorns, dinosaurs, pandas, and other characters are always a big hit. The most important features to consider include whether it is lightweight and hypoallergenic. Also, make sure the mat has a non-slip surface and is easily cleaned, or even better, machine washable.
  • Hoberman Sphere:One of the most important fundamentals in yoga is practicing breathing techniques. Deep, mindful breathing aligns the mind with the physical movements. A Hoberman sphere is often referred to as a breathing ball as it serves as a focal point for mindful breathing. When the ball is expanded, it represents the lungs filling with air. As the sphere is collapsed, yogis exhale slowly. A high-quality expandable breathing ball can be incorporated into a yoga session, and also used in other stress-relief manners.
  • Balance Balls:For kids who are further along developmentally, it may be time to add balance ball to their yoga sessions. These balls are designed to increase lumbar, or lower back, mobility and increase both abdominal and lower back strength. With time, kids will have more control over their core body muscles, which will ultimately help them perfect and hold yoga poses. An excellent kids' yoga ball is smaller and durable enough to withstand a lot of activity.


child yoga


Best Children's Yoga Mats

There are lots of fun yoga-related items to get kids excited about trying this new activity. Mats, balance boards, games, and accessories are all fun gift to give little ones who want to improve their core strength, balance, mental health, and have a little fun along the way.


kids yoga mat

Kids Yoga Mat
This colorful yoga mat, suitable for kids ages 5-9, comes with a lot of perks. There is a helpful poster with examples of yoga poses to get kids started on their journey. Also, this purchase gives children access to numerous yoga videos and an app that provides detailed yoga instruction. Bring the benefits of a yoga class into a child's home with this all-in-one gift for budding yogis.


yoga balance board
Yoga Wooden Balance Board
A high-quality curvy board is an excellent tool to help children work on balance and posture.  Kids will develop better coordination and control by practicing on this balance board. It is durable, supports up to 400 pounds, and can be used both indoors and outdoors. This versatile piece of equipment can also be put to use in other fun ways, like ramps and bridges for toy vehicles, goals for little soccer games, and many other things.


yoga dice game
Yoga Dice Game
A popular game that the whole family can enjoy playing together. Everyone competes to hold their yoga poses the longest. Easy-to-follow instructions allow even the youngest children to actively participate.

kids yoga mat


Yoga Mats in Various Prints and Colors

 This is just one example of the many adorable yoga mats designs. Choose from sharks, birds, dinosaurs, unicorns, and more! These well-made mats have a textured, slightly sticky surface to prevent slipping. There is a style for every little yoga beginner to make all of their poses even more enjoyable and fun.


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