sign language hands

14 Kids' Books Featuring Deaf Characters

For kids who are deaf, it can feel pretty isolating at times. The child's immediate circle of family and close friends may be able to communicate with relative ease. But interacting with others through school, clubs, sports teams, or in any other situations can be extremely difficult, if not impossible. These children's books about deaf characters do not sugarcoat the challenges of the impairment. However, the prevailing the message focuses on all of the special skills and talents that these kids possess, rather than their handicap. Readers will feel inspired by the way the characters handle themselves and go after their dreams without hearing loss getting in the way.

El Deafo
El Deafo

A compelling, graphic novel about a girl named Cece. She has profound hearing loss, which requires her to wear a gigantic hearing assistance device strapped to her chest. She used to attend an all-deaf school, but recently transferred to a regular public school which she finds challenging on many fronts. In particular, the other students are turned off by her hearing aid and are less them welcoming. When Cece discovers that her device can track what her teacher says no matter where she is in the building, the little girl wonders if this super power is her ticket to finding friends. A partially autobiographical story that will resonate with lots of kids who experience hearing loss.

Children's Picture Books About Deafness

Much like kids who are confined to wheelchairs, hearing loss can leave little ones feeling frustrated and isolated from the social interaction they need and desire. Children's ' books about deafness will resonate with any child whose hearing is restricted or completely lost. The challenges they face, the obstacles they overcome, and the ultimate joy and self-acceptance they achieve are all valuable lessons. Reading about characters who wear hearing aids will help children in many ways. Much like little one who get glasses for the first time, young ones may be feel self-conscious about the outward appearance of hearing aids. Kids in this boat will relate to the experiences in these stories and learn some coping skills along the way.

deaf children

Kids' Books Featuring Characters Who Are Deaf

Approximately 1 per 1,000 children born in the United States suffer from some degree of hearing loss. The issue may be very mild, perhaps just affecting one ear, in which case it is does not seriously impact communication skills. The disability may be a result of a birth complication, or it could develop later as a result of an illness or head trauma. Any child with a physical disability can benefit from reading stories about characters who experience similar challenges. Kids' books about deaf characters provide reassurance to little ones who have similar challenges communicating with others.


Gracie's Ears

Gracie's Ears

A very uplifting story about a girl named Gracie who is excited to finally be able to hear like everyone else. The thing is, she never really knew her ears were working differently and needed a little help. But her family noticed that something was amiss and sought the advice from her doctor. Sure enough, Gracie was diagnosed as hearing-impaired. Fortunately, with the help of a brand new pair of hearing aids, she can finally hear just like everyone else.

i can sign

I Can Sign!

Experts have proven that babies younger than one year old are capable of learning sign language. This book was a collaborative effort among linguistic experts and child development professionals. The picture book, which a great introduction, comes with a DVD for further learning and instruction. A great way to teach siblings of deaf children how to sign and cultivate a home environment where everyone can communicate with ease.

mighty mila

Mighty Mila

An excellent story about a smart, independent girl with a can-do attitude. Like many kids, Mila is determined to live her life without her parents' help, no matter how monumental the task or obstacle. She succeeds in proving to them her capabilities, but not without a few hiccups along the way. Mila happens to have cochlear implants, a fact that is not central to the story or even really addressed. For this reason, kids who are hearing impaired will appreciate that Mila's disability is does not affect how she lives her life or distinguish her from any other regular kid.

dachy's deaf

Dachy's Deaf

Sometimes having a hearing impairment can have its advantages. For Dachy, a deaf dinosaur, his hearing aids are routinely turned off and on depending on the noise in his surrounding environment. If he needs a break, Dachy simply lowers the volume and checks out for awhile. This strategy work well for him until one day an unexpected event forces him to change his ways.

jessi's secret language

The Baby-Sitters Club: Jessi's Secret Language

Part of the best-selling graphic novel series, this story is about the baby-sitter's club newest addition. Jessi has recently joined the group who routinely takes care of all the kids in Stoneybrook. And fortunately she is the perfect babysitter for a new child, Matt, who happens to be deaf. Jessi knows sign language so the two develop an immediate rapport. Pretty soon all the kids in the neighborhood want to learn to sign as well! This task keeps Jessi very busy, on top of preparing for a dance recital. The best part of all is a special secret she plans to reveal during the performance- just for Matt.

ranvir cannot hear

Ranvir Cannot Hear

Ranvir goes on a quest in search of his hearing. On his journey, the elephant meets many others who influence him in profound ways. Each of these friends has a special gift or talent, as well as certain things they are unable to do. In doing some self-discover, Ranvir finds a hidden talent and learns to accept his deafness.

freddie and the fairy

Freddie and the Fairy

A sweet fairy arrives to grant Freddie a wish. She is a bit hard of hearing and Freddie mumbles when he talks, so they have quite a bit of difficulty communicating. This leads to some pretty strange wishes and a lot of confusion. Fortunately, the fairy queen steps in to lend a hand. A light and funny story about hearing impairment that all kids will enjoy.

mila gets her super ears

Mila Gets Her Super Ears

A very positive, upbeat story about a little girl who experiences deafness She has some hearing loss at birth, and then it gets progressively worse over the next few years. A lot of valuable information is provided in an easy-to-understand format. Kids will learn about hearing aids, cochlear implants, therapies, and other support services.

charlie and frog

Charlie & Frog

A fast-paced chapter book for beginners tells the story of Charlie and Frog. Best friends and detectives extraordinaire, the two set off to solve a big mystery. Frog, who happens to be deaf, finds that her sign language skills are valuable in solving the crime. Charlie also must learn how to sign so that he can assist in getting to the bottom of the mystery.

diary of a hard of hearing kid

Diary of a Hard of Hearing Kid

Isaiah tells his real life story as a child who lost his hearing as a result of meningitis. When he turned eleven, Isaiah wrote this book about all of his trials and tribulations living with hearing impairment. Readers will appreciate the fact that he is just a normal kid who has incredible hurdles to overcome on a daily basis.

Bessie Needs Hearing Aids

Bessie Needs Hearing Aids

Bessie Bunny's first day of school does not go so well. When she tries to make friends, Bessie struggles because no one can understand what she is saying. She visits an audiologist and learns that she need a hearing aid. At first she is upset, but her mood quickly brightens when her hearing improves. A wonderful story for kids who will learn all about hearing aids.

my monster truck goes everywhere with me

My Monster Truck Goes Everywhere With Me

A little boy loves his purple monster truck and takes it everywhere with him. When the truck goes missing at his grandma's house, he searches everywhere for his favorite toy. A wonderfully illustrated, bilingual book uses American Sign Language to help tell the story. This excellent resource teaches sign language in a fun way and provides downloadable lessons as well.

zola gets hearting aids

Zola Gets Hearing Aids

Like lots of kids, Zola just want to fit in with others. But she knows that something isn't right with her hearing, and her greatest fear is being teased for wearing hearing aids. She's a smart little girl and knows deep down that she will be better off with the device. So, when the day comes for her visit with the ear doctor, she bravely gets ready and faces her fear. Fortunately, despite all her worries about being bullies, Zola's friends accept her and are happy that she can hear- with the help of the hearing aid- just like everyone else.

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