
How Playing the Violin Benefits Children

Playing the violin is very much a physical, social, and mental exercise for children. When kids begin taking lessons, the desired goal is usual proficiency, if not mastery, of this beautiful and complicated instrument. However, along this journey, there are so many other ways children grow and develop more holistically. Take into consideration some of the many benefits kids experience playing the violin.


girl playing violin


Learning the Violin is Valuable for Kids

Playing the violin is very much a physical exercise.

Playing a string instrument places a variety of demands on the body, requiring musicians to maintain a fair amount of strength while also exhibiting extraordinary control over their movements. Here is a list of the areas that are developed and refined amongst violinists: muscle memory, endurance, fine motor skills, balance, muscle stimulation, posture, muscle tone, upper body strength, hand strength, dexterity, and coordination.


child playing violin


Social benefits are an added bonus for kids who play the violin.

When children join an orchestra, there is an innate sense of belonging to an extraordinary group. People who make music together are communicating in a nonverbal manner, tapping into their inner emotions and expressing themselves through their instruments. Additionally, kids learn how to compose themselves and perform in large social settings, which is an invaluable skill that has many other applications in life. And lastly, but not least importantly, kids who play the violin will make friends with other kids who play instruments. There are always opportunities after practices and performances to socialize, make plans, extend invitations, or simply talk to others.


child playing violin



There are some amazing mental benefits to playing the violin.

When a child plays a musical instrument, dopamine is released into the body. This neurotransmitter plays a role in motivation, pleasure, and learning. Kids will feel more positive energy and a sense of relaxation during and after a musical practice or session. Some experts have pointed to reduced anxiety and depression in kids who play the violin and other instruments. In addition to the mental health benefits, playing the violin can sharpen a child's intellectual abilities. Much like playing chess and other strategy games, learning to read music sharpens the mind of young children. Kids who play music have more focus and faster mental processing speed. Memorization, reading, and writing are also enhanced skills amongst violin players. It's no wonder that kids who learn to read music at a young age perform better in school and produce higher test scores. 




Facts About the Violin for Kids

The violin is a complex instrument that requires musical acumen and emotional maturity in order to bring notes to life. It's much more nuanced than simply dragging a bow across some strings. Accomplished violinists play with their hearts and souls, eliciting a variety of feelings in those who appreciate the beautiful music. The stories in kids violin books share a wide range of experiences are centered around the violin. Here are some additional facts about this classical instrument. 

  • The price range for violins is quite wide, with most models typically running between $500 to $10,000.

  • In 2010, the world's most expensive violin was sold for a whopping $16 million. But then this record was broken by a violin named "The Messiah" which is purportedly worth $20 million.

  • Violin bows require 150-200 horse hairs to make the string vibrate and make the unique musical sounds.

  • The violin is a very old instrument. It was first invented 500 years ago by violin makers, called luthiers, who competed to make the best versions. Their work led to the modern day violin typically seen in orchestras.  


violin player


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