Long before their association with Santa Claus, elves have appeared in legends and folklore around the world. The miniature creatures, typically male, are rarely seen despite evidence of them lurking around. The jolly little fellows happily making toys in a North Pole workshop are the most widely recognized elves. Kids will be fascinated to learn that their understanding of these magical beings may not be entirely accurate. Here are some intriguing facts about elves that provide more insight about their origin, behavior, and disposition.
Origin and History of Elves
These miniature creatures are usually associated with Christmastime. Without all of their assistance making toys from scratch, Santa would never be able to deliver his magic to boys and girls all over the world. But they are also known for a bit more than their work as Santa's helpers. In fact, these little buggers can get into a quite a bit of mischief, too! They are known for tip-toeing around at night, while everyone is peacefully sleeping, and leaving some messy surprises behind. So, you may be wondering where the elves originated, how they landed their job in the North Pole, and why they developed such a naughty reputation. Children's books about elves give readers a sneak peak into all the hard work, along with a sprinkling of mischief, these special little people perform all year long. In the meantime, here are some facts about elves to share next time you sit down to read with your little ones.
(1) Elves first appeared in German mythology.
In early writings, they were associated with magic, illness, beauty, and seduction. They were considered divine creatures with incredible superpowers.
(2) They gained popularity in English fiction.
These creatures popped up in literature after the medieval period. Likened to a type of fairy, their characters were often known for being pranksters.
(3) Most think of elves to be small in stature.
Lord of the Rings altered that perception by depicting them to be as tall as, or even taller than, human beings in some cases.
(4) Elves made their first appearance alongside Santa in the 1800s.
A popular children's magazine published the first picture of them making toys in the workshop, and the rest is history!
(5) Elves have the gift of longevity.
They can live hundreds of years, they never seem to age, and they don't fall victim to illness or disease. It seems the only way they die is through a violent act, although those events are never associated with Santa Claus!
(6) Folklore depicts the elves' homes as magical kingdoms.
Their took up residence in hollowed-out tree trunks, meadows, and forests.
(7) Elves have incredible powers in mythology.
Despite their small stance, elves are reputed to have enormous powers that are not always put to good use. The list of their skills, long and varied, includes the ability to enchant humans, cast spells, spread illness, and steal babies. Not all elves are out stir mischief, as some are known for their healing powers and exceptional knowledge of herbal remedies.