The merits of technology are too numerous to list and this applies to kids and school as well. Having trouble with a math lesson? Pull up a Youtube video from the comfort of your kitchen table. Need some information for a history report? No need to run out to the library when you have Google at your fingertips. Looking some advice in designing a science experiment? You can get lost for hours browsing all the really cool things other students before you have done. For all the amazing things our supercomputers can do for our kiddos, managing the amount of recreational screen time is a challenge all of us face.

Negative Effects On Children of Too Much Screen Time
Here are some stats to help you put into perspective just how unhealthy it is for children to spend too much time staring at phones, watching TV and playing video games. Read some children's books about the danger of social media and share some of these fact with them along the way.
- By the age of seven, a child born today will have watched one full year, 24 hours a day, of screen media.
- Since 1999, the amount of screen time for kids has doubled to nearly 7 hours per day.
- Studies have shown that children who watch TV or play video games for 2 or more hours a day are 60% more likely to have social, emotional, and concentration problems. They are also more likely to be obese.
- The negative effect of too much screen time cannot be significantly diminished with physical activity.
- Children with televisions in their bedrooms tend to perform worse on academic tests than those who do not.

Ways to Manage Time Kids Spend on Technology Devices
So how to we manage to keep our kids busy, productive and happy without excessive time in front of devices? I think we can all agree that it takes a lot of work for parents to maintain a "technology-healthy" household. Most kids will naturally gravitate toward the constant stimulation of the many screens in their lives! It is our job establish guidelines, limit time, and find other ways to fulfill their time. Just remember it's perfectly ok to let them enjoy some video game time, binge-watch a good show, and chat with their friends over their phones. It's all about balance! We certainly don't have all the answers and sure would love you hear your tips in the comments below. But here are some thoughts that just may help.
- Let your kids earn screen time by reading. For every hour of reading, that equates to an hour of screen time. And who knows? Maybe they will get lost in a good book and read for longer than the required time. Jackpot!
- Make the bedroom a no-technology zone. Kids need a place to decompress and escape from all the stressors in their lives. Do them a favor and set some technology boundaries in your household.
- Bedrooms are for reading, napping, writing in journals, and other activities that rejuvenate their little souls. Don't let outside influences interfere with their safe space.
- If you have teenagers and find it VERY DIFFICULT to enforce the no-cell-phone-in-bedroom rule, at the very least take it away at bedtime. Give your child the gift of a peaceful and uninterrupted night of sleep. No Snapchat, no Instagram, no texts, no Youtube. Just sweet dreams.
- Keep your kids involved in lots of extracurricular activities. There are so many organized activities these days for kids, even those not athletically or musically inclined. Many public school systems offer clubs starting in elementary school. Community centers also provide tons of clubs and less-competitive opportunities for kids to get exercise and interact with other kids.

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